This is a simple python script that implements a basic version of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. The algorithm used is taken from two videos on YouTube, found here and here.
- Python 3.7
The program can both compute keys, as well as build a precomputed database for faster computations of keys.
To use the generate keys, type in the command below with an integer seed, like 2053.
$ python -N [seed]
The program will then execute and generate two private/public key pair for the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
Beacuse finding the generators for the coprimes of N is very slow, the script is using a database of precomputed generators. If you choose an N which doesn't exist in the the database, and is larger than 1000, then it may take a very long time to compute. The new N will then be added to the database. If other N:s are needed, the precomputed database can be expanded by running the, like
$ python [start of range] [end of range]
Where all generating seeds in the range are added to the database (Note: for adding a single seed, make the start of range and end of range the same number).
This is project is purely for educational purposes and is not intended, or suited, to be used in a real environment.