Git page for the R-package spatioTemporalIndices
This model uses catch-at-length and age-at-length observations to construct indices-at-length and indices-at-age, along with yearly covariance matrices that include uncertainty in both age-at-length and catch-at-length.
The model is installed by typing
Here is a quick example of how to generate indices-at-age with associated covariance structures. For the full R code to run a similar example, we refer to the folder testmore/NEAhadLengthAge
. We use Norwegian haddock observations from the Barents Sea winter survey as our data.
The length data must be in the format of a data frame with the following columns: haul ID, length group, time, distance trawled, latitude, longitude, and the number of fish caught. Note that each row represents one observed length group in a haul.
station lengthGroup startdatetime distance latitude longitude catch
idHaul1 5 2018-02-02 11:10:46 0.89 73.34 18.13 0
idHaul1 10 2018-02-02 11:10:46 0.89 73.34 18.13 20
idHaul1 15 2018-02-02 11:10:46 0.89 73.34 18.13 52
idHaul1 20 2018-02-02 11:10:46 0.89 73.34 18.13 22
The age-at-length data must be in the format of a data frame with the following columns: haul ID, time, latitude, longitude, length of fish, and readability. Note that each row represents one observed fish. The station ID needs to match the ID given in the length data above.
station startdatetime latitude longitude length age readability
idHaul1 2018-02-02 11:10:46 73.34 18.13 32 3 1
idHaul1 2018-02-02 11:10:46 73.34 18.13 28 3 1
idHaul1 2018-02-02 11:10:46 73.34 18.13 17 1 1
idHaul1 2018-02-02 11:10:46 73.34 18.13 54 5 1
Set up configurations for catch-at-length model:
conf_l = defConf(years = 2018:2020, # years to use,
maxLength = 75,
minLength = 20,
spatioTemporal =0 ,
spatial =1,
stratasystem = list(dsn="strata", layer = "Vintertoktet_nye_strata"),
applyALK = 1)
Set up configurations for age-at-length model. Note that the package spatioTemporalALK
needs to be installed (
conf_alk = defConf_alk(maxAge = 10,
minAge = 3,
spatioTemporal = 2,
spatial =1)
For documentation of the configurations, see ?defConf
and ?defConf_alk
Set up prediction configurations:
confPred = defConfPred(conf=conf_l,cellsize = 20)
Fit the model
run = fitModel(dat_l,conf_l, confPred,dat_alk,conf_alk)
The indices and their associated standard deviations can be accessed in the list of reported quantities:
The indices and corresponding covariance structures can be saved by
saveIndex(run,file = "index.txt", folder = "")
This will save the files index.txt
and cov_index.Rda
, containing the indices and a list with all yearly covariance matrices.
For the use of the indices and covariance structures in the state space assessment model SAM, we refer to the SAM help file at