Read temperature with thermodynamic resistor with negative temperature coefficien (NTC).
the probe is PANR103395 10kOhm with a Beta of 3950.
Source formula for temp calculation:
--- T = ( 1/ ( (1/B) * ln( R/R25C ) + ( 1/298.00 ) ) -273 );
-create an instance
//For analog resolution from 8 to 16 bits:
//RTD_Reso::RESO_8 to RTD_Reso::RESO_16
//Value must fit the analogResolution
RTD10k rtd(RTD_Reso::RESO_10);
-Default resolution is RESO10, so you can call the constructor emty:
RTD10k rtd();
-Convert analog reading to temperature
int aInput1 = A0;
int aInput2 = A2;
float temperature1 = rtd.getTemp(analogRead(aInput1)); //do the reading temps
float temperature2 = rtd.getTemp(analogRead(aInput2));
Serial.print("Temperature 1 is: ");