This is a high-fidelity extended reality prototype designed during the XR Workshop 2023. We designed and developed this project to improve Palliative Care Options for End-of-Life patients. Palliative care is for people of all ages with a life-limiting condition. During the XR workshop, we had only minimal time to analyse user needs, design, and develop the prototype. After interviewing a care professional with expertise in palliative care services, we designed and developed an XR application for people who have already entered palliative care. Our team (XR Minds) created an MR application using Unity to support people in palliative care to make a lasting memory forever by enabling the users to bring real-life spaces into XR and allowing them to connect with their loved ones. Our prototype was built within 15 hours during the XR Workshop 2023 at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. The following key features were added to the prototype;
🔹 Ability to bring the real-world environment into VR by scanning through Apple Scannivers software. 🔹 Social VR space to connect with multi-users. 🔹 Ability to add Maori cultural-based artefacts to customise the virtual space. 🔹 Photo memory wall 🔹 Persisted message placement in Augmented Reality 🔹 Interactive pets in XR (Hand tracking in Augmented Reality) 🔹 Spectator app in AR to view VR content 🔹 Voice chat between AR and VR users
◼️ Unity, C# ◼️ Unity XR Interaction Toolkit ◼️ Git
Team Members: Dilshani Kumarapeli, Yasas Sri Wickramasinghe, Miriam Luque, Ren Pritchard, Nisal Udawatta, Hansi Udapola