Nino Violino
Temporary readme that will eventually get updated.
Basically, it is an improvement over the old nino_pianino. The code is (supposed to be) cleaner, and I hope to package it a bit better. To use it, just do python, and if that doesn't work, then you just need midiutil, for the moment, so pip install midiutil.
Midiutil seems to have a bug as of writing this. If it works fine then go with it. If it shows a "pop from empty list" error, here's how to fix it:
Open /lib/python2.7/site-packages/midiutil/ (or wherever midiutil is installed) Find the line with 'elif event.type == 'NoteOff':' Replace the entire block below it with this:
- ```
- if len(stack[str(event.pitch)+str(]) > 1:
- event.time = stack[str(event.pitch)+str(].pop() tempEventList.append(event)
- else:
- if len(stack[str(event.pitch)+str(]) > 0: ### MODIFIED TO CONDITIONALLY POP ###
- stack[str(event.pitch)+str(].pop()
The entire article is here - - though it is unrelated to this repo (still, credit to them for the bugfix!)
Then, you need fluidsynth. apt-get install fluidsynth should do it. And finally, a soundfont. Any old soundfont bank will do it, but you should get a GM one. I personally use for no real reason - just one of many I've tried.
Then go python and wait a bit. It will generate a test.wav file, which yes, this is still a very early phase.
- Write a proper readme
- Make this a pip package
- Make it easier to use (some sort of a cli)
- Use AI to make better songs