A python library to generate dataclasses for graphql schema.
This library generates dataclasses which corresponding python code convention. Library is not working as client for graphql, only dataclasses mappers for GraphQL types
This document contains a quick overview of the functionalities, for more details and options you can read here:
The package using autoflake, black, isort libraries for generateed code formatting and also python 3 (3.10+) standard libraries.
Available in PyPI, the following command will install the library:
pip install graphql-dataclass
To generate the code execute the following command:
gqldataclass generate ./pathToOutputFolder -apiArgs ./<pathToArgsFile>/generatorArgs.json
This command requires a json file containing the parameters needed to get the GraphQL schema
A sample is available in the main folder 'cli_args.json'.
The following python files will be generated:
- scalars.py -> GraphQL scalar types as python type aliases
- enums.py -> GraphQL enum types as Enum classes
- gql_types.py -> GraphQL object types as classes
- gql_simple_types.py -> GraphQL object types as classes not using other object types
- unions.py -> GraphQL Unions as python Unions
- gql_forward_reference.py -> file with types forward references, dacite-compatible
- ${class_name}.py -> GraphQL object types as classes, which affected by circular dependencies
These links show code generated using the library Github GraphQL API, and GeoDBCities API
More command options are available here