Serialization and deserialization to/from binary using our SBE message definitions
Initialize an ImageMessage:
julia> buf = zeros(UInt8, 10000);
julia> data = rand(Int16, 5, 8);
julia> img = Image(buf, data); # Initialize using a Julia array
julia> img.offsetX = 10;
julia> framearray(img) # View into buffer
5×8 reshape(reinterpret(Int16, ::SpidersMessageEncoding.varDataEncoding{...}), 5, 8) with eltype Int16:
-15935 -3912 18329 -24829 -916 17506 -15568 -21337
-11668 -18638 15420 26299 24322 -147 -7110 -29480
-27119 -4356 -6978 -743 6621 15682 29171 -17794
8352 -20918 -23085 -21558 4899 11529 8946 -9795
-21654 -27246 -6669 -12071 -13846 4217 -23046 -6562
julia> framearray(Int16, img); # type-stable view into buffer.
Save to file (could be sent over network, mmap, Aeron, etc.) and recover:
julia> write("tmp.dat", buf)
julia> buf2 = read("tmp.dat")
julia> img2 = Image(buf2)
julia> framearray(img2)
5×8 reshape(reinterpret(Int16, ::SpidersMessageEncoding.varDataEncoding{...}), 5, 8) with eltype Int16:
-15935 -3912 18329 -24829 -916 17506 -15568 -21337
-11668 -18638 15420 26299 24322 -147 -7110 -29480
-27119 -4356 -6978 -743 6621 15682 29171 -17794
8352 -20918 -23085 -21558 4899 11529 8946 -9795
-21654 -27246 -6669 -12071 -13846 4217 -23046 -6562
julia> img.offsetX