In this Repository following topics is coverd
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- Tokenization
- Stemming and Lemmatization with stopwords
- create bag of word implementation with sklearn countVectoried method
- Tf-Idf
- Word2vec
- Word Embadding
- Inside this cover all Text Pre-prcoessing and then use Random Forest with 86% of accuracy for sentimental Analysis..
- Use NLP for technique and create Naive Bayes Classifier for spam classification with 96% accuracy
- This is the project that i have created for professional networking site where i have gather different data and perform NLP as well feature engineering, feature selection technique and use different similarity technique for recommender system and finally choes best one that is receive input as user skillset and based on skills recommender system gives recommendation as top n no of job.
- This project aims to fine tune one of the state of the art Algorithm (BERT) which is use for many tasks. Here i have fine-tuned with custom data set and 87% accuracy for multi-class classificcation(7 classes)