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pages build and deployment #85

pages build and deployment

pages build and deployment #85

GitHub Actions / Mix Tests on Elixir 1.17 / OTP 27 failed Nov 21, 2024 in 1s

156 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped

Tests failed

❌ _build/test/lib/logger_json/test-junit-report.xml

157 tests were completed in 9s with 156 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Elixir.LoggerJSON.EctoTest 3✅ 1ms
Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatter.CodeTest 3✅ 0ms
Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatter.MessageTest 8✅ 0ms
Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatter.MetadataTest 10✅ 18ms
Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatter.RedactorEncoderTest 22✅ 1❌ 106ms
Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatters.BasicTest 13✅ 3s
Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatters.DatadogTest 20✅ 3s
Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatters.ElasticTest 23✅ 326ms
Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatters.GoogleCloudTest 28✅ 3s
Elixir.LoggerJSON.PlugTest 23✅ 7ms
Elixir.LoggerJSONTest 3✅ 0ms

✅ Elixir.LoggerJSON.EctoTest

✅ test attach/3 attaches a telemetry handler
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 allows disabling logging at runtime
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 logs ecto queries received via telemetry event

✅ Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatter.CodeTest

✅ test format_function/2 returns the function name
✅ test format_function/3 returns the module, function name, and arity
✅ test format_function/2 returns the module and function name

✅ Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatter.MessageTest

✅ test format_message/3 formats report with default behavior
✅ test format_message/3 formats crash messages correctly
✅ test format_message/3 formats general message using Logger.Utils.scan_inspect
✅ test format_message/3 formats structured messages without callback correctly
✅ test format_message/3 formats reports with custom callbacks altering the data
✅ test format_message/3 formats reports with callbacks for binary formatting
✅ test format_message/3 formats reports with complex callback and binary formatting
✅ test format_message/3 formats binary messages correctly

✅ Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatter.MetadataTest

✅ test take_metadata/2 takes metadata keys list and returns a map with the given keys
✅ test update_metadata_selector/2 takes metadata from application env
✅ test take_metadata/2 takes metadata :all_except rule and returns a map with all keys except listed ones
✅ test update_metadata_selector/2 takes metadata :all rule and updates it to exclude the given keys
✅ test take_metadata/2 returns reserved keys if they are listed explicitly
✅ test take_metadata/2 does not return reserved keys
✅ test update_metadata_selector/2 takes metadata :all_except rule and returns a map with the given keys
✅ test update_metadata_selector/2 takes metadata keys and returns a map with the given keys
✅ test take_metadata/2 takes metadata :all rule and returns a map with all keys
✅ test update_metadata_selector/2 raises if metadata is not a tuple with the application and module name

❌ Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatter.RedactorEncoderTest

❌ test encode/2 converts non-string map keys
	1) test encode/2 converts non-string map keys (LoggerJSON.Formatter.RedactorEncoderTest)
✅ test encode/2 redacts values in keyword lists
✅ test encode/2 formats nested structures
✅ property encode/2 converts any term so that it can be encoded with Jason
✅ test encode/2 allows numbers
✅ test encode/2 redacts nested structures
✅ test encode/2 converts keyword lists to maps
✅ test encode/2 converts nested tuples to nested lists
✅ test encode/2 strips structs when Jason.Encoder is derived for them
✅ test encode/2 allows nils
✅ test encode/2 converts tuples to lists
✅ test encode/2 allows dates and times
✅ test encode/2 redacts values in maps
✅ test encode/2 doesn't choke on things that look like keyword lists but aren't
✅ test encode/2 inspects pids
✅ test encode/2 allows printable strings
✅ test encode/2 redacts values in structs
✅ test encode/2 strips Structs
✅ test encode/2 inspects non-printable binaries
✅ test encode/2 allows atoms
✅ test encode/2 allows decimals
✅ test encode/2 inspects functions
✅ test encode/2 allows booleans

✅ Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatters.BasicTest

✅ test logs OpenTelemetry span and trace ids
✅ test reads metadata from the given application env at given path
✅ test passing options to encoder
✅ property allows to log any binary messages
✅ test reads metadata from the given application env
✅ test logs span and trace ids
✅ test logs message of a given level
✅ test logs http context
✅ test logs exceptions
✅ test logs message with a map payload
✅ test logs message with a keyword payload
✅ test logs metadata
✅ property allows to log any structured messages

✅ Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatters.DatadogTest

✅ test logs process exits
✅ test logs exits
✅ test logs hostname
✅ test logs throws
✅ test logs exception http context
✅ test logs exceptions
✅ property allows to log any binary messages
✅ test logs http context
✅ test logs OpenTelemetry span and trace ids
✅ test logs reasons in tuple
✅ test reads metadata from the given application env at given path
✅ test reads metadata from the given application env
✅ test logs an LogEntry of a given level
✅ test logs metadata
✅ test logs span and trace ids
✅ test logs an LogEntry with a map payload
✅ test logs an LogEntry with a keyword payload
✅ test does not crash when OpenTelemetry span or trace ids are invalid
✅ test passing options to encoder
✅ property allows to log any structured messages

✅ Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatters.ElasticTest

✅ test logs reasons in tuple
✅ test logs process exits
✅ test passing options to encoder
✅ test reads metadata from the given application env at given path
✅ test logs span and trace ids
✅ test reads metadata from the given application env
✅ test logs exits
✅ test logs throws
✅ test logs exceptions with id and code
✅ test logs message of every level
✅ test logged exception stacktrace is in default Elixir format
✅ test does not crash on invalid span and trace ids
✅ test logs http context
✅ test logs Task/GenServer termination
✅ test logs caught errors
✅ test logs message with a keyword payload
✅ test logs exceptions
✅ test logs metadata
✅ test logs an LogEntry with a map payload containing message
✅ test logs OpenTelemetry span and trace ids
✅ test does not crash on invalid OTEL span and trace ids
✅ test logs exception http context
✅ test logs message with a map payload

✅ Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatters.GoogleCloudTest

✅ test logs exception user context
✅ test logged exception stacktrace is in Ruby format for Elixir errors
✅ test logs Task/GenServer termination
✅ test does not crash on unknown errors
✅ test logs an LogEntry with a keyword payload
✅ test does not crash on unknown error tuples
✅ test reads metadata from the given application env at given path
✅ test logs exceptions
✅ test logs metadata
✅ test does not crash on invalid OTEL span and trace ids
✅ property allows to log any binary messages
✅ test logs request id
✅ test logs reasons in tuple
✅ test logs process exits
✅ test logs OpenTelemetry span and trace ids
✅ test logs http context
✅ test logs exits
✅ test logs throws
✅ test logs an LogEntry of a given level
✅ test does not crash on invalid span and trace ids
✅ test logs span and trace ids
✅ test logs an LogEntry when an operation
✅ test passing options to encoder
✅ test logs an LogEntry with a map payload
✅ test logs span and trace ids without project_id
✅ test reads metadata from the given application env
✅ test logs exception http context
✅ property allows to log any structured messages

✅ Elixir.LoggerJSON.PlugTest

✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for GoogleCloud formatter logs long-running responses
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for GoogleCloud formatter logs chunked responses
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for Elastic formatter logs long-running responses
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 returns :ok even when Logger is not called
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for Basic formatter allows disabling logging at runtime
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for Elastic formatter allows disabling logging at runtime
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for GoogleCloud formatter logs unsent connections
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for GoogleCloud formatter logs request latency and metadata
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for DataDog formatter logs long-running responses
✅ test attach/3 attaches a telemetry handler
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for DataDog formatter allows disabling logging at runtime
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for DataDog formatter logs request latency and metadata
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for GoogleCloud formatter allows disabling logging at runtime
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for Elastic formatter logs chunked responses
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for Elastic formatter logs unsent connections
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for Basic formatter logs unsent connections
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for DataDog formatter logs chunked responses
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for DataDog formatter logs unsent connections
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for Basic formatter logs chunked responses
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for Basic formatter logs long-running responses
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for DataDog formatter logs requests
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for Elastic formatter logs request latency and metadata
✅ test telemetry_logging_handler/4 for Basic formatter logs request latency and metadata

✅ Elixir.LoggerJSONTest

✅ test configure_log_level_from_env/1 configures log level from environment variable
✅ test configure_log_level/1 raises on invalid log level
✅ test configure_log_level/1 configures log level


Check failure on line 0 in _build/test/lib/logger_json/test-junit-report.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Mix Tests on Elixir 1.17 / OTP 27

Elixir.LoggerJSON.Formatter.RedactorEncoderTest ► test encode/2 converts non-string map keys

Failed test found in:
    1) test encode/2 converts non-string map keys (LoggerJSON.Formatter.RedactorEncoderTest)
Raw output
  1) test encode/2 converts non-string map keys (LoggerJSON.Formatter.RedactorEncoderTest)
     Assertion with == failed
     code:  assert encode(%{%{a: 1, b: 2} => 3}, []) == %{"%{a: 1, b: 2}" => 3}
     left:  %{"%{b: 2, a: 1}" => 3}
     right: %{"%{a: 1, b: 2}" => 3}
       test/logger_json/formatter/redactor_encoder_test.exs:84: (test)