The following reporting technologies are considered in practice:
- You are not supposed to trigger CI jobs by frequent updates of your pull request. First you should test you work locally with all the scripts (code style)
- Respect others time and don't slow down the job queue
- Carefully check if the program can hang
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Windows:
Install Chocolatey
Install TeX distribution:
Choose one of two (any) TeX distribution to install
- miktex
Add miktex installation path to your system PATH environment variable. Default installation location: "C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64"
choco install miktex
- texlive (takes more disk space and time to setup)
choco install texive --params="'/scheme:full'" --execution-timeout=10000
- miktex
Refresh your environment (reopen the console or type
) and check if TeX distribution is set up. E.g. use this command (it should be available and display the current version of pdflatex tool):pdflatex --version
- Linux:
sudo apt install texlive*
- MacOS (apple clang):
Unsupported operating system!
Navigate to a source code folder.
- Configure the build:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -D USE_LATEX=ON ..
Help on CMake keys:
A corresponding flag can be omitted if it's not needed.
- Build the project:
cmake --build .
- Check the task
- View report
<project's folder>/build/bin
There are
folders inmodules
directory. There are 4 task's reports for the semester. Move to a folder of your task. Make a directory named<last name>_<first letter of name>_<short task name>
. Example:task1/nesterov_a_vector_sum
. -
Go into the newly created folder and begin you work on the report. There must be only 2 files and 1 of them must be written by you:
- a LaTeX report file which consider information about your program, name it in the same way as<last name>_<first letter of name>_<short task name>
same as directory.CMakeLists.txt
- a file to configure your project. Examples for each configuration can be found intest_tasks/test_latex
The number of directories will increase with time. To build only your project, you need to do the following:
cmake --build . --target <name task's directory>
cmake --build . --target nesterov_a_vector_sum
Name your pull request in the following way:
- for report:
<Фамилия Имя>. Отчет. <Полное название задачи>. Нестеров Александр. Отчет. Сумма элементов вектора.
Provide the full task definition in pull request's description.
Example pull request is located in repo's pull requests.
Work on your fork-repository. Keep your work on a separate branch and NOT on
!!!. Name you branch in the same way as your task's folder. To create a branch run:git checkout -b nesterov_a_vector_sum
Failing to follow the rules makes the project build red.