Author: @Cerbersec
Interceptor is a kernel driver focused on tampering with EDR/AV solutions in kernel space by patching kernel callbacks and hooking IRPs. Interceptor was made as part of an internship at NVISO Security's Red Team. The associated blogposts can be found here (kernel karnage).
In 2022, Kernel Karnage was presented at SANS Pen Test HackFest, prompting the release of this repository to the public as well as the following demos:
Build steps:
git clone
- Select the appropriate configuration in Visual Studio. The configuration should be x64 Debug or Release.
- Verify the selected configuration has Driver Signing correctly configured.
- Sign Mode: Test Sign
- File Digest Algorithm: sha256
- Build solution
The driver can be installed on machines which have Driver Signature Enforcement (DSE) disabled or are in test signing mode. For a solution to disable DSE see here. Alternative options include signing the driver with a valid code signing certificate.
Note: Machines with Secure Boot or Hypervisor-Protected Code Integrity (HVCI) enabled are not vulnerable
The driver can be created and started from a command prompt or PowerShell (mind the spaces):
sc create Interceptor type= kernel binPath= C:\Path\To\Driver\Interceptor.sys
sc start Interceptor
sc stop Interceptor
sc delete Interceptor
Usage: InterceptorCLI.exe <option> <parameter> <values>
-list <parameter>
vendors List all supported EDR vendors and their modules
modules List all loaded drivers
hooked List all hooked drivers
callbacks List all registered callbacks
-hook <parameter>
index <values> Hook driver(s) by index
name <device name> Hook driver by name (\Device\Name)
-unhook <parameter>
index <values> Unhook driver(s) by index
all Unhook all drivers
-patch <parameter>
vendor <name> Patch all modules associated with vendor
module <names> Patch all callbacks associated with module(s)
process <values> Patch process callback(s) by index
thread <values> Patch thread callback(s) by index
image <values> Patch image callback(s) by index
registry <values> Patch registry callback(s) by index
objectprocess <values> Patch object process callback(s) by index
objectthread <values> Patch object thread callback(s) by index
-restore <parameter>
vendor <name> Restore all modules associated with vendor
module <names> Restore all callbacks associated with module(s)
process <values> Restore process callback(s) by index
thread <values> Restore thread callback(s) by index
image <values> Restore image callback(s) by index
registry <values> Restore registry callback(s) by index
objectprocess <values> Restore object process callback(s) by index
objectthread <values> Restore object thread callback(s) by index
all Restore all callbacks
Values: space separated. see -list <modules | hooked | callbacks>
Name: case sensitive. see -list <vendors>
- Port extra client functionality from BOF version to InterceptCLI
- Add/validate EDR vendors
- Find alternative to SysWhispers --> static detections
- Parse intercepted IRPs to determine if it should be blocked or not
- Configure valid code signing
- Implement PPL tampering (reference)
- Implement AMSI/ETW tampering