Codes for accessing Redis DB
go get
Put the configuration for Redis connection into config.json, the resulted config.json should look like:
"mode": "local_test",
"local_test": {
"DB": {
"redisDB": {
"host": "localhost",
"pass": "",
"maxIdle": 5,
"maxActive": 12000,
"maxConnLifetime": 3,
"idleTimeout": 200
You can add multiple configuration blocks for different mode such as 'prod', 'dev'.
cfg, err := LoadServerConfig()
caller = NewCaller(cfg)
Dont worry about closing the client. The conn pool will automatically manage the connection. But you can always manually close one:
Add/update a record in redis DB.
v, err := caller.Set("key:1", "val:1", 0)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error:%v", err)
Add/update multiple records (using one connection) in the redis DB. In this case, you need create a slice of RedisObj first.
objs := make([]RedisObj, 3)
objs[0] = RedisObj{K: "key:1", V: "val:1"}
objs[1] = RedisObj{K: "key:2", V: "val:2"}
objs[2] = RedisObj{K: "key:3", V: "val:3"}
err := caller.SetInBatch(objs)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error:%v", err)
Get a record from the redis DB.
v, err := caller.Get("key:1")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error:%v", err)
Search record(s) using patten string.
You can search with without keywords. In this case, records that match the search pattern return.
objs, err := caller.Search("key*", nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error:%v", err)
You can also search with keywords. In this case, records that match the search pattern and (the values) match one of the keywords return.
objs, err := caller.Search("key:*", []string{"val:2"})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error:%v", err)
The returned result is a slice of RedisObj which has the structure:
type RedisObj struct {
K string
V string
You can delete records by keys.
err = caller.Del("key:1", "key:2")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error:%v", err)
We use Behavioral Driven Test Framework Ginkgo to write our test. You have to install Ginkgo and its preferred matcher libs.
go get
go get
Make sure you also install the ginkgo CLI so that you can generate your own test suite.
go get
Every time we write a behavioral driven test, we need create a new client. Thus, we make it happen in BeforeEach
and AfterEach
var _ = Describe("Dragonfly", func() {
var caller *RedisCallers
BeforeEach(func() {
caller = NewCaller(nil)
AfterEach(func() {
Then you can write your test case like this:
var _ = Describe("Dragonfly", func() {
var caller *RedisCallers
BeforeEach(func() {
caller = NewCaller(nil)
AfterEach(func() {
It("can set in batch", func() {
objs := make([]RedisObj, 3)
objs[0] = RedisObj{K: "key:1", V: "val:1"}
objs[1] = RedisObj{K: "key:2", V: "val:2"}
objs[2] = RedisObj{K: "key:3", V: "val:3"}
err := caller.SetInBatch(objs)
expected, _ := caller.Search("key*", nil)