Before starting app configure environments and run migrations
$ start -help
Usage: start Start application
start [ -help ]
Print help information
-products int
Count of products to process
-shops int
Count of shops to process
-threads int
Count od threads (default 10)
To start App type:
$ go run . start
Configuration variables are located in the root directory in the environment file .env
DB_DRIVER # DB driver. Default - mysql
DB_HOST # DB host. Default -
DB_PORT # DB port. Default - 3306
DB_DATABASE # DB database name. Default - go_mysql_test
DB_USERNAME # DB username. Default - root
DB_PASSWORD # DB password. Default - root
MIGRATION_DIR # Directory where placed migrations. Default - migrations
MIGRATION_EXT # Migration files extension. Default - sql
MIGRATION_SEQ # Sequence mode, otherwise using time. Default - true
MIGRATION_SEQ_DIGITS # Number of digits in the sequence. Default - 6
Database migrations written in Go using library golang-migrate/migrate.
$ migrate -help
Usage: migration OPTIONS COMMAND [arg...]
migration [ -help ]
create NAME Create a set of timestamped up/down migrations titled NAME
delete V Delete migration version V
up [N] [-all] Apply all or N up migrations
down [N] [-all] Apply all or N down migrations
force V Set version V but don`t run migration (ignores dirty state)
-help Print help information
So to start migrations type:
$ go run . migration up -all # Apply all migrations
If you get an error "Dirty database version V. Fix and force version." while use up
or down
Try to fix an error and type
$ go run . migration force V
and then try to execute the command again.
Database seeder written in Go using library bxcodec/faker.
Due to the fact that the products table depends on shops table (by column shop_id), at the begining you should sow shops table and only then sow products table, otherwise you get an error. Range of shop_id values automatically sets by counts of shops rows
$ seeder -help
Usage: seeder OPTIONS SEED [arg...]
seeder [ -help ]
product [N] Sow N products
shop [N] Sow N shops
truncate TABLE Truncate the table TABPLE
-help Print help information
So to start seeding type:
$ go run . seeder SEED [N] # Apply all migrations