This program takes a directory containing Jinja templates, renders them, and outputs them for use in a static website.
usage: JinjaCompiler [-h] [-p PAGES_DIR] [-w] [-t TYPES] [-n] [-s] [-P PORT] templates_dir output_dir
Compile Jinja templates into static HTML files
positional arguments:
templates_dir Path to the directory containing the Jinja templates
output_dir Path where the compliled files should go. Folder structure will copy that of pages_dir. Directory contents are deleted before compiling, dont put stuff in
here that you want to keep.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PAGES_DIR, --pages-dir PAGES_DIR
Relative path in templates_dir which contains the templates that will be compiled to HTML. Default: 'pages/'
-w, --watch Run in watcher mode, which will monitor templates_dir for changes and automatically recompile.
-t TYPES, --types TYPES
Comma-separated list of file types that will be treated as Jinja templates. Default: .jinja
-n, --no-copy Don't copy non-template files into output directory.
-s, --server Serve the output dir with a local webserver. Does nothing without -w.
-P PORT, --port PORT Port the webserver will be served on.
python -m venv venv
# If on Linux
source venv/bin/activate
# If on Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller -F
# Executable will be located in the newly created dist directory
The SSE code for auto-reloading with the debug webserver is from the article Server-sent events in Flask without extra dependencies.
The license for this code (MIT) can be found in SSE_LICENSE