A self contained (Tornado) REST service that serves as a frontend for a simple SQL db that contains the state of our uploads, verifications and removals done by other SNPSEQ archive services.
python3 -m venv --upgrade-deps .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install .
Try running it:
archive-db-ws --config=config/ --debug
And then you can find a simple API documentation by going to:
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[test]
nosetests tests/
Creating a new Upload (and associated Archive if none exists):
curl -i -X "POST" -d '{"path": "/path/to/directory/", "host": "my-host", "description": "my-descr"}' http://localhost:8888/api/1.0/upload
Creating a new Verification (and associated Archive if none exists):
curl -i -X "POST" -d '{"path": "/path/to/directory/", "host": "my-host", "description": "my-descr"}' http://localhost:8888/api/1.0/verification
Getting a randomly picked Archive that has been uploaded within a certain timespan, but never verified before:
curl -i -X "GET" -d '{"age": "7", "safety_margin": "3"}' http://localhost:8888/api/1.0/randomarchive
Print the records from the database:
curl -i -X "GET" http://localhost:8888/api/1.0/view
Print the N (positive integer) latest uploads from the database:
curl -i -X "GET" http://localhost:8888/api/1.0/view/N
Query the database for uploads matching specific criteria:
curl -i -X "POST" -d '{"host": "biotank", "uploaded_before": "2023-03-01", "verified": "False"}' http://localhost:8888/api/1.0/query
For testing purposes, you can also build a Docker container using the resources in the docker/ folder:
# build and start Docker container
This will build and start a Docker container that the archive-db service and listens on port 8787:
# interact with archive-verify service on port 8787
# {"version": "1.2.0"}
The container log output can be followed:
# follow the container log output (Ctrl+C to stop)
The docker container can be stopped and removed:
# stop and remove the running docker container