How could we assess how accessible a given destination is to people from different demographics (i.e., co-accessibility)?
This repo contains code for calculating the demographics of people who can walk to urban amenities in 5, 10, and 15 minutes.
If you prefer a visual representation of co-accessibility check out CTwalk Map, an interactive web tool that maps co-accessibility for the five most populous cities in the Netherlands.
To learn more about the concept of co-accessibility and how the shared code and data have been used for research look at our open access paper:
and our poster:
If you use the code or data shared in this repo in your work, please cite the journal article:
Under the data folder you can find data related to co-accessibility for urban amenities located in one of the five most populous Dutch cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, and Eindhoven. To learn more about this data look at our paper.
Geometry | osm_id | children (0_15) | children_perc | adults (16_64) | adults_perc | elderly (65+) | elderly_perc | total_pop | age_entropy_index | wijk_age_entropy_index | buurt_age_entropy_index |
EPSG:4326 | id of place from OpenStreetMap | Number of children who have access | Percentage of children among the people who have access | Number of adults who have access | Percentage of adults among the people who have access | Number of elderly | Percentage of elderly among the people who have access | Total number of people who have access | age diversity of the people who have access | age diversity of the people who live in the same neighborhood (based on wijk) | age diversity of the people who live in the same neighborhood (based on buurt) |
Currently, the code uses a PostgreSQL database enriched with the PostGIS add-on to store and query the data. Adaptations are needed to use the code with other type of files (e.g., CSV).
- notebooks/collect_osm_data..ipynb --> Collecting seleted urban amenities from OSM for different cities
- notebooks/get_cbs_data.ipynb --> Collecting population data from the Netherlands (CBS - 100x100m grid), clipping and storing the data per city and computing the areas that people can access by waalking for 15 minutes based on the walkable street network of OSM.
- --> Calculate the 5, 10, and 15 minutes walkable environments.
- calculate_place_isochrone_intersection --> Create a mapping based on the intersection of the walkable area of each population square and the location of the urban amenities