Making a "windowed" 2D box that makes the ball move when moving the window (just like an actual box in real life!)
a z e | down forward up
q s d | left backward right
r: resets the window and position of the characters.
space: pause | play the music.
a: quit.
k: resize to 1080p.
f: full screen.
scroll wheel: increase / decrease speed.
Because i absolutely fucking hate myself and i have to make something like that for a game (not free) i'm planning to code after exams.
Get Visual Studio 2022 (with C++ Development selected in the installer, of course) and vcpkg. With vcpkg installed, run vcpkg install sdl2
, vcpkg install sdl2-image
(it's possible you might have to pass --triplet x64-windows
). Then integrate it with Visual Studio 2022 by running vcpkg integrate install
Create a new folder called "build" and change directory into it: mkdir build; cd build
To use vcpkg packages with CMake, run cmake -B . -S .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[path to vcpkg]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
. You can then build with cmake --build .
Install SDL2 and SDL2_image development libraries from your distribution's package manager. Use a search engine to find the package names for these.
Create a new folder called "build" and change directory into it: mkdir build; cd build
Generate build files with cmake ..
. You can then build with cmake --build .
Make and Ninja both work and are the only ones I have tested.
** Please use the CMake options up there from now on, if there are issues make a PR or an issue for me to know. **
or simply run this
g++ -c src/*.cpp src/*.c src/vertx/*.cpp src/inc/submodules/imgui/imgui*.cpp src/inc/submodules/imgui/backends/imgui_impl_sdl2.cpp src/inc/submodules/imgui/backends/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp -std=c++14 -m64 -g -Wall -I src/inc -I src/inc/submodules/imgui/ -I src/inc/submodules/imgui/backends/ -I /usr/include/SDL2 && g++ *.o -o bin/debug/main -lGL -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_mixer -limgui
Just consider this repo a sandbox for shit i make lol