The content of this repository has been moved to Additionally, a repository containing MCC generated code examples for AVR128DA48 with the same functionality can be found at This repository is obsolete and it will not be maintained.
This repository contains examples of bare metal source code for GPIO as described in Getting Started with GPIO document from Microchip. The repository contains three MPLAB X projects. Make sure you have the necessary tools:
- ATmega4809 device (recommended is evaluation board ATmega4809 X-plained PRO)
- MPLAB X or MPLAB Xpress
The following examples are inside this repository:
- Blink an LED
- Long and Short Button Press
- Wake Up On Button Press
This source code is compatible with the following devices: ATtiny402, ATtiny202, ATtiny1604, ATtiny804, ATtiny404, ATtiny204, ATtiny1606, ATtiny806, ATtiny406, ATtiny1607, ATtiny807, ATtiny412, ATtiny212, ATtiny1614, ATtiny814, ATtiny414, ATtiny214, ATtiny3216, ATtiny1616, ATtiny816, ATtiny416, ATtiny3217, ATtiny1617, ATtiny817, ATtiny417, ATmega4808, ATmega3208, ATmega1608, ATmega808, ATmega4809, ATmega3209, ATmega1609, ATmega809.