made simple π
Main Features | |
π | Skip the UITableViewDataSource & UITableViewDelegate boilerplate and get right to building your UITableView ! |
π | Closure based API for section and row configuration |
π | Built-in paging functionality |
β | Unit Tested |
π€ | Written in Swift 4.1 |
is π¨ with β€οΈ by π± @ OkCupid.
We use the latest and greatest open source version of master
in the OkCupid app.
- Xcode 9.0+
- iOS 9.0+
The preferred installation method is with CocoaPods. Add the following to your Podfile
pod 'OKTableViewLiaison'
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
allows you to more easily populate and manipulate UITableView
rows and sections.
To get started, all you need to do is liaise
an instance of UITableView
to with a OKTableViewLiaison
let liaison = OKTableViewLiaison()
let tableView = UITableView()
liaison.liaise(tableView: tableView)
By liaising your tableView with the liaison, the liaison becomes its UITableViewDataSource
, UITableViewDelegate
, and UITableViewDataSourcePrefetching
In the event you would like to remove the tableView from the liaison, simply invoke liaison.detach()
OKTableViewLiaison populates sections and rows using two main types:
struct OKTableViewSection
To create a section for our tableView, create an instance of OKTableViewSection
and add it to the liaison.
let section = OKTableViewSection()
let liaison = OKTableViewLiaison(sections: [section])
let section = OKTableViewSection()
liaison.append(sections: [section])
To notify the liaison that your OKTableViewSection
will display a header and/or footer view, you must provide an instance of OKTableViewSectionComponentDisplayOption
during initialization.
is an enumeration that notfies the liaison which supplementary views should be displayed for a given section. A header/footer view is represented by:
class OKTableViewSectionComponent<View: UITableViewHeaderFooterView, Model>
let header = OKTableViewSectionComponent<UITableViewHeaderFooterView, User>(.dylan)
let section = OKTableViewSection(componentDisplayOption: .header(component: header))
You can set a static height of a section component by using either a CGFloat value or closure:
header.set(height: .height, 55)
header.set(height: .height) { user -> CGFloat in
return user.username == "dylan" ? 100 : 75
header.set(height: .estimatedHeight, 125)
In the event a height is not provided for a section component, the liaison will assume the supplementary view is self sizing and return a .height
of UITableViewAutomaticDimension
. Make sure you provide an .estimatedHeight
to avoid layout complications.
The OKTableViewSectionComponent
views can be customized using func set(command: OKTableViewSectionComponentCommand, with closure: @escaping (View, Model, Int) -> Void)
at all the following lifecycle events:
- configuration
- didEndDisplaying
- willDisplay
header.set(command: .configuration) { view, user, section in
view.textLabel?.text = user.username
header.set(command: .willDisplay) { view, user, section in
print("Header: \(view) will display for Section: \(section) with User: \(user)")
class OKTableViewRow<Cell: UITableViewCell, Model>
To add a row for a section, create an instance of OKTableViewRow
and pass it to the initializer for a OKTableViewSection
or if the row is added after instantiation you can perform that action via the liaison:
let row = OKTableViewRow<RowTableViewCell, RowModel>(model: RowModel(type: .small))
let section = OKTableViewSection(rows: [row])
liaison.append(section: section)
let row = OKTableViewRow<RowTableViewCell, RowModel>(model: RowModel(type: .small))
let section = OKTableViewSection()
liaison.append(section: section)
liaison.append(row: row)
heights are similarly configured to OKTableViewSection
row.set(height: .height, 300)
row.set(height: .estimatedHeight, 210)
row.set(height: .height) { model -> CGFloat in
switch model.type {
case .large:
return 400
case .medium:
return 200
case .small:
return 50
In the event a height is not provided, the liaison will assume the cell is self sizing and return UITableViewAutomaticDimension
The OKTableViewRow
can be customized using func set(command: OKTableViewRowCommand, with closure: @escaping (Cell, Model, IndexPath) -> Void)
at all the following lifecycle events:
- accessoryButtonTapped
- configuration
- delete
- didDeselect
- didEndDisplaying
- didEndEditing
- didHighlight
- didSelect
- didUnhighlight
- insert
- move
- reload
- willBeginEditing
- willDeselect
- willDisplay
- willSelect
row.set(command: .configuration) { cell, model, indexPath in
cell.label.text = model.text
cell.label.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 13)
cell.contentView.backgroundColor = .blue
cell.selectionStyle = .none
row.set(command: .didSelect) { cell, model, indexPath in
print("Cell: \(cell) selected at IndexPath: \(indexPath)")
can also utilize UITableViewDataSourcePrefetching
by using func set(prefetchCommand: OKTableViewPrefetchCommand, with closure: @escaping (Model, IndexPath) -> Void)
row.set(prefetchCommand: .prefetch) { model, indexPath in
row.set(prefetchCommand: .cancel) { model, indexPath in
handles cell & view registration for UITableView
view reuse on your behalf utilizing your sections/rows OKTableViewRegistrationType<T>
tells the liaison whether your reusable view should be registered via a Nib
or Class
By default, OKTableViewRow
is instantiated with OKTableViewRegistrationType<Cell>.defaultClassType
supplementary view registration is encapsulated by itsOKTableViewSectionComponentDisplayOption
. By default, OKTableViewSection
is instantiated with .none
comes equipped to handle your pagination needs. To configure the liaison for pagination, simply set its paginationDelegate
to an instance of OKTableViewLiaisonPaginationDelegate
declares three methods:
func isPaginationEnabled() -> Bool
, notifies the liaison if it should show the pagination spinner when the user scrolls past the last cell.
func paginationStarted(indexPath: IndexPath)
, passes through the indexPath of the last OKTableViewRow
managed by the liaison.
func paginationEnded(indexPath: IndexPath)
, passes the indexPath of the first new OKTableViewRow
appended by the liaison.
To update the liaisons results during pagination, simply use append(sections: [OKAnyTableViewSection])
or func append(rows: [OKAnyTableViewRow])
and the liaison will automatically handle the removal of the pagination spinner.
To use a custom pagination spinner, you can pass an instance OKAnyTableViewRow
during the initialization of your OKTableViewLiaison
. By default it uses OKPaginationTableViewRow
provided by the framework.
Because OKTableViewSection
and OKTableViewRow
utilize generic types and manage view/cell type registration, instantiating multiple different configurations of sections and rows can get verbose. Creating a subclass or utilizing a factory to create your various OKTableViewRow
types may be useful.
final class TextTableViewRow: OKTableViewRow<PostTextTableViewCell, String> {
init(text: String) {
registrationType: .defaultNibType)
static func imageRow(with image: UIImage) -> AnyTableViewRow {
let row = OKTableViewRow<ImageTableViewCell, UIImage>(image)
row.set(height: .height, 225)
row.set(command: .configuration) { cell, image, indexPath in
cell.contentImageView.image = image
cell.contentImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
return row
is a framework in its infancy. It's implementation is not perfect. Not all UITableView
functionality has been liaised
just yet. If you would like to help bring OKTableViewLiaison
to a better place, feel free to make a pull request.
βοΈ Dylan Shine, [email protected]
OKTableViewLiaison is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.