Congratulations for reaching my repository, brave developer! This project is still very much in progress and I am hard at work on it. There will be a full medium post and a new YouTube video once I am done :)
The project is in a state of working MVP and requires code clean up so that I don't have to be ashamed of it. I also have to add mobile support and more project relevant information directly to the site.
Example website:
Medium Post:
YouTube Video:
You will need to sign up with MATTR and Fauna to obtain their credentials. MATTR provides all the API necessary for working with decentralized identifiers and Fauna is used for database storing sign in and user information.
You will need .env file. You can find the template for it in .env_template and more details instructions are bellow.
Install your npm packages:
$ npm install
To run backend simulating Netlify functions:
$ npm run functions
To run React frontend:
$ npm run dev
The project is open source, so feel free to reach out to me to contribute.
Find template for environment variables in .env_template.
Once you sign up with, put your credentials in .env in MATTR_CLIENT_ID, MATTR_CLIENT_SECRET, MATTR_TENANT.
To setup your PRESENTATION_TEMPLATE_ID and VERIFIER_DID, execute npm run setup-did
To setup JWT_SECRET, CRYPTO_IV, and CRYPTO_KEY, run npm run setup-secrets
FAUNA_SECRET is a secret used to access for data storage.
DIDAUTH_CALLBACK_URL is used only in production to set callback URL for DID Authentication for presentation request. It is not required when running locally or in GitHub Codespaces.
Signing up for for data storage (possible free account) and create a first database to get FAUNA_SECRET environment variable.
With FAUNA_SECRET ready, you can just run npm run setup-fauna
and the script will setup collections and indexes for you.
The website is fully capable to run on Netlify:
The example on is running on Netlify as well.
You will need to setup your environment variables as described above and run local build of Netlify Functions: npm run build-all
With that your website is ready to go.
Part of the codebase was developed using GitHub Codespaces on desktop and on iPad:
You can use the codebase to run on Codespaces as is as long as you setup your environment variables:
Ports 5000 (backend functions) and 8080 (Webpack frontend) have to be either set to Private or Public Visibility. "Private to Organization" is not supported because of CORS.