This is a compiler for Trinity, a statically typed programming language for scientific computing on the GPU. It was made as a student project at Aalborg University. The only dependency is jdk, it was primarily tested using openJDK 1.7, but newer versions should also work. This project uses the gradle for building and testing. Using the gradle wrapper is the preferred way of running gradle tasks:
./gradlew # for UN*X
gradlew.bat # for Windows
This will automatically downloaded and use the correct gradle version. To build the project run the installDist task:
./gradlew installDist
This will install Trinity in build/install/tric/
Trinity can now be evoked with ./bin/tric [options] filename
Feel free to move the tric folder and/or add the bin folder to your PATH.
To run the unit tests run the check gradle task: ./gradlew check
Usage: <main class> [options] filename
-c, --ccompiler
Name of c compiler command to use. If nothing is specified a default
value will be chosen depending on the value of gpuenabled
-f, --format
Format the generated c code using indent
Default: false
-g, --go
Keep-on-trucking on error
Default: false
-gpu, --gpuenabled
Enabled some functions to be performed on a gpu
Default: false
-h, --help
Display this information
Default: false
-i, --indent
Indentation width
Default: 4
-p, --pretty
Pretty Print mode
Default: false
-v, --version
Display the version number
Default: false
Write output to file