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Asteroid Mining System

This project simulates an asteroid mining system. The system can load asteroid data from a YAML file, calculate daily resource yields, and manage resource orders.

Project Structure

  • Domain/Model Layer models/: Defines the data structures.

  • Presentation Layer controllers/: Handles incoming HTTP requests and sends responses. routes/: Defines the routing of the application, mapping URLs to controllers. middleware/: Contains custom middleware functions that preprocess requests.

  • Application/Bussiness Logic Layer Services/: Encapsulates the business logic and interacts with models and controllers.

  • Infrastructure Layer config/: Manages configuration files, including app setup, Swagger configuration and environment variables. utils/: Contains utility functions like YAML file loading and yield calculation. middleware/: Contains custom middleware functions that preprocess requests.

  • Cross-Cutting Concerns tests/: Contains all tests, categorized by layer to ensure proper testing. gitignore/: Specifies which files and directories to ignore in Git, applicable across all layers. package.json/: Contains metadata about the project and its dependencies, relevant to the entire project. Project documentation.

  • src/index.ts: Entry point for the application.

Getting Started


  • Node.js
  • Express.js


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Folder structure

    ├── app.ts                  # Entry point for starting the application
    ├── index.ts                # Main entry point for initializing the application
    ├── config/                 # Configuration files
    │   └── index.ts            # Main configuration file
    ├── controllers/            # Controllers handling HTTP requests
    │   ├── resourceController.ts
    │   └── orderController.ts
    ├── data/                   # Static data files
    │   └── asteroids.yml       # Initial asteroid data
    ├── middlewares/            # Middleware functions
    │   └── orderValidator.ts   # Request validation middleware
    ├── models/                 # Data models or entities
    │   ├── asteroids.ts
    │   ├── order.ts
    │   └── resource.ts
    ├── routes/                 # Route handlers
    │   ├── orderRoute.ts
    │   ├── resourceRoute.ts
    │   └── routeBinder.ts      # Route binding and configuration
    ├── services/               # Business logic services
    │   ├── resourceService.ts
    │   └── orderService.ts
    └── utils/                  # Utility functions
       ├── yamlLoader.ts       # YAML file loading utility
       ├── rateLimiter.ts      # Rate limiting utility
       ├── logger.ts           # Logging utility
       └── calculation.ts      # Calculation functions

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This project simulates an asteroid mining system







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