Community Badge Minting Smart Contracts This repository contains the Solidity smart contracts used to mint community badges (NFTs) on the Klaytn blockchain. The contracts integrate with a Rust-based Discord bot and use Foundry for development and deployment. Each badge corresponds to a specific Discord user, wallet address, and role.
Features Implements the KIP17 standard for NFT badges Supports role-based minting (admin, volunteer, moderator) Integrated with Foundry for streamlined development and testing Includes a registry for managing token-bound accounts linked to badges Configurable maximum supply for badge minting Contracts Overview BadgeMinter.sol The main contract responsible for minting badges. It uses Klaytn's KIP17URIStorage and connects to a TokenBoundAccountRegistry to create token-bound accounts during minting.
TokenBoundAccount.sol Defines the structure for token-bound accounts. Each badge is linked to a token-bound account.
TokenBoundAccountRegistry.sol Manages token-bound accounts, allowing the creation of accounts tied to specific token IDs.
Requirements Foundry installed for smart contract development Access to a Klaytn node (e.g., Baobab) .env file for configuration Setup and Installation Step 1: Clone the Repository bash Copy code git clone cd community-badge-contracts Step 2: Install Dependencies Install Foundry:
bash Copy code curl -L | bash foundryup Step 3: Configure .env Create a .env file in the root of the project with the following variables:
env Copy code KLAYTN_WALLET_ADDRESS=your_wallet_address PRIVATE_KEY=your_private_key KLAYTN_NODE_URL= Step 4: Compile Contracts bash Copy code forge build Step 5: Deploy Contracts bash Copy code forge script scripts/Deploy.s.sol --broadcast --rpc-url $KLAYTN_NODE_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY This will deploy the contracts using Foundry.
Usage Once the contracts are deployed, they can be interacted with through the Rust Discord bot or manually using Web3 tools like Remix or Hardhat.
Example Minting Command solidity Copy code mintBadge(address recipient, string newTokenURI) This command mints a new badge to the specified recipient with a given token URI.
Testing You can write and run tests using Foundry. To run the test suite:
bash Copy code forge test License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.