SSH over PowerShell Azure Functions
This repository contains complete solution that allows you to issue any commands via SSH requesting GET Azure Functions.
This software comes with no warranty of any kind.
Tis solutions contains from two parts FunctionApps (Azure Functions) and StaticWebSite (Storage account Static website).
This files should be applied to FunctionApps v1.0 (PowerShell). It contains project
This function can be launch by:
If FunctionApps will exist in your private network you can use it in internal addresses e.g.
You can connect also to Windows Servers/Clients after installing SSH:
This page can be deployed an any hosting e.g. Azure Storage account with Static website feature.
It was created by software (Create awesome mobile-friendly websites! No coding and free).
You can also add
Everyone is welcome to develop this solution.
- Deploy script (DevOps)
- Nice Return Page (FunctionApps)
- Improve "$sblock = [Scriptblock]::Create($command)" functionality that breaks some Linux commands
- Create Mobile Client (Cordova)
- Convert from PowerShell to .Net Core (FunctionApps)
- SSH Keys implementation
You can test it using this page: