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Fixing errors on DNS
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MarcoColomb0 committed Dec 11, 2023
1 parent 05804d7 commit 9d11f5b
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Showing 2 changed files with 31 additions and 27 deletions.
30 changes: 16 additions & 14 deletions deployments/w11-23h2.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Script Name: w11-23h2.ps1
Description: Automatic Azure infrastructure deployer (Windows Client)
Description: Automatic Azure infrastructure deployer (Windows Server)
File Name : w11-23h2.ps1
Expand All @@ -11,36 +11,38 @@

## Infrastructure parameters
# Generic parameters
$GenericName = Read-Host "Choose a generic name for the resources (for example: APSD-Infra)"
$LocationName = 'westeurope' # Get-AzLocation | ft

# Resource group
$ResourceGroupName = 'APSD-Infra-rg'
$ResourceGroupName = "$($GenericName)-rg"

# Windows Client virtual machine
$VMName = 'APSD-WC-vm'
$ComputerName = 'APSD-WC-vm'
$VMName = "$($GenericName)-vm"
$CleanedCN = $GenericName -replace '[^a-z]'
$ComputerName = $CleanedCN.Substring(0, [System.Math]::Min(15, $CleanedCN.Length))
$VMSize = 'Standard_DS1_v2' # Get-AzVMSize -Location (location) | ft
$ImagePublisher = 'MicrosoftWindowsDesktop' # Get-AzImagePublisher
$ImageOffer = 'Windows-11' # Get-AzVMImageOffer
$ImageSKU = 'win11-23h2-pro' # Get-AzVMImageSku

# Network
$VNetName = 'APSD-Infra-vnet'
$NICName = 'APSD-WC-nic'
$SubnetName = 'APSD-Infra-snet'
$NSGName = 'APSD-Infra-nsg'
$VNetName = "$($GenericName)-vnet"
$NICName = "$($GenericName)-nic"
$SubnetName = "$($GenericName)-snet"
$NSGName = "$($GenericName)-nsg"
$NSGRuleName = 'apsdRDPRule'
$PublicIPAddressName = 'APSD-WC-pip'
$PublicIPAddressName = "$($GenericName)-pip"
$SubnetAddressPrefix = ''
$VNetAddressPrefix = ''

# Generate DNS name
# Generate a 10 characters string for the DNS name
$characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
$randomString = -join ($characters.ToCharArray() | Get-Random -Count 10)
# Parse it and make it lowercase
$LowercaseDNS = $GenericName.ToLower()
$CleanedDNS = $LowercaseDNS -replace '[^a-z]'

# Assign the string to the variable
$DNSNameLabel = $randomString
# Assign the string to the variable and limit to 14 chars
$DNSNameLabel = $CleanedDNS.Substring(0, [System.Math]::Min(14, $CleanedDNS.Length))

# Logs
$LogsDate = Get-Date -format dd-MM-yyyy
Expand Down
28 changes: 15 additions & 13 deletions deployments/ws-2022.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,36 +11,38 @@

## Infrastructure parameters
# Generic parameters
$GenericName = Read-Host "Choose a generic name for the resources (for example: APSD-Infra)"
$LocationName = 'westeurope' # Get-AzLocation | ft

# Resource group
$ResourceGroupName = 'APSD-Infra-rg'
$ResourceGroupName = "$($GenericName)-rg"

# Windows Client virtual machine
$VMName = 'APSD-WS-vm'
$ComputerName = 'APSD-WS-vm'
$VMName = "$($GenericName)-vm"
$CleanedCN = $GenericName -replace '[^a-z]'
$ComputerName = $CleanedCN.Substring(0, [System.Math]::Min(15, $CleanedCN.Length))
$VMSize = 'Standard_B2ms' # Get-AzVMSize -Location (location) | ft
$ImagePublisher = 'MicrosoftWindowsServer' # Get-AzImagePublisher
$ImageOffer = 'WindowsServer' # Get-AzVMImageOffer
$ImageSKU = '2022-datacenter' # Get-AzVMImageSku

# Network
$VNetName = 'APSD-Infra-vnet'
$NICName = 'APSD-WS-nic'
$SubnetName = 'APSD-Infra-snet'
$NSGName = 'APSD-Infra-nsg'
$VNetName = "$($GenericName)-vnet"
$NICName = "$($GenericName)-nic"
$SubnetName = "$($GenericName)-snet"
$NSGName = "$($GenericName)-nsg"
$NSGRuleName = 'apsdRDPRule'
$PublicIPAddressName = 'APSD-WS-pip'
$PublicIPAddressName = "$($GenericName)-pip"
$SubnetAddressPrefix = ''
$VNetAddressPrefix = ''

# Generate DNS name
# Generate a 10 characters string for the DNS name
$characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
$randomString = -join ($characters.ToCharArray() | Get-Random -Count 10)
# Parse it and make it lowercase
$LowercaseDNS = $GenericName.ToLower()
$CleanedDNS = $LowercaseDNS -replace '[^a-z]'

# Assign the string to the variable
$DNSNameLabel = $randomString
# Assign the string to the variable and limit to 14 chars
$DNSNameLabel = $CleanedDNS.Substring(0, [System.Math]::Min(14, $CleanedDNS.Length))

# Logs
$LogsDate = Get-Date -format dd-MM-yyyy
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