Please use Exiled 9.2.2 or above for this project
- Download the latest release
- Put the plugin into the
If you have any issues, please try these following steps before creating an issue:
- Maybe your Exiled version is outdated so please try using a newer one
- Try using an older build
is_enabled: true
debug: true
# Should a user get damaged when interacting with Scp-1162 without holding an item in hand
should_damage: true
# How much damage should players get when using Scp-1162 without holding an item in hand
health_minus: 25
# The chance that the item disappears in % (set to 0 to disable)
percent_disappearing: 30
# What items should Scp-1162 be able to give
- KeycardJanitor
- KeycardZoneManager
- KeycardScientist
- KeycardContainmentEngineer
- KeycardResearchCoordinator
- KeycardMTFPrivate
- KeycardMTFOperative
- KeycardMTFCaptain
- KeycardFacilityManager
- KeycardChaosInsurgency
- KeycardO5
- GunCOM15
- GunCOM18
- Painkillers
- Medkit
- Adrenaline
- SCP500
- SCP207
- AntiSCP207
- GrenadeHE
- GrenadeFlash
- Coin
- Flashlight
- Radio
# Message sent when interacting with Scp-1162 without holding an item in hand
damage_hint: '<color=red>Dont stick your Hand in unknown holes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )</color>'
# Message sent when interacting with Scp-1162
interaction_hint: '<i>You put an item into </i><color=yellow>SCP-1162</color><i> and got Another!</i>'
# Message sent when the item disappears
lost_item_hint: '<color=red>You lost your item</color>'