1. Open terminal in the root directory of the project.
2. Run npm install.
3. Run npm start.
Api server can be accessed at http://localhost:3000
1.Create a To-Do task:
POST - http://localhost:3000/tasks
Body - {"title" : "first", "data": "this is first"} //json
2.List all To-Do tasks:
GET - http://localhost:3000/tasks
3.Get a To-Do task by Id:
GET - http://localhost:3000/tasks/:taskid
example - http://localhost:3000/tasks/5de0a431134b2b4224a8ff00
4.Update a To-Do task by Id:
PUT - http://localhost:3000/tasks/:taskid
Body - {"title" : "updatedfirst", "data": "this is updatedfirst"}
5.Delete a To-Do task by Id:
DELETE - http://localhost:3000/tasks/:taskid
example - http://localhost:3000/tasks/5de0a431134b2b4224a8ff00