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infer dodge width from barplots
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jkrumbiegel committed Sep 16, 2024
1 parent 2b3e485 commit 9737169
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Showing 6 changed files with 126 additions and 3 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ authors = ["Pietro Vertechi", "Julius Krumbiegel"]
version = "0.8.7"

Accessors = "7d9f7c33-5ae7-4f3b-8dc6-eff91059b697"
Colors = "5ae59095-9a9b-59fe-a467-6f913c188581"
Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
Dictionaries = "85a47980-9c8c-11e8-2b9f-f7ca1fa99fb4"
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/AlgebraOfGraphics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ using Dictionaries: AbstractDictionary, Dictionary, Indices, getindices, set!, d
using KernelDensity: kde, pdf
using StatsBase: fit, histrange, Histogram, normalize, sturges, StatsBase

import Accessors
import GLM, Loess
import FileIO
import RelocatableFolders
Expand Down
82 changes: 80 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/layers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ function compute_axes_grid(d::AbstractDrawable, scales::Scales = scales(); axis=
map!(fitscale, scaledict, scaledict)

set_dodge_width_default!(categoricalscales, processedlayers)

pls_grid = compute_processedlayers_grid(processedlayers, categoricalscales)
entries_grid, continuousscales_grid, merged_continuousscales =
compute_entries_continuousscales(pls_grid, categoricalscales, scale_props)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,6 +506,8 @@ function, layers::Layers; indent = 0)

scale_setting_name(scale_id, aes::Type{<:Aesthetic}) = scale_id !== nothing ? scale_id : string(nameof(aes))[4:end]

function compute_dodge(data, key::Symbol, dodgevalues, scale_mapping, categoricalscales, dodge_aes)
scale_id = get(scale_mapping, key, nothing)
scale = categoricalscales[dodge_aes][scale_id]
Expand All @@ -516,9 +520,83 @@ function compute_dodge(data, key::Symbol, dodgevalues, scale_mapping, categorica
width = if props.width !== nothing
error("Tried to compute dodging offsets but the `width` attribute of the dodging scale was `nothing`. This happens if only plots participate in the dodge that do not have an inherent width. For example, a scatter plot has no width but a barplot does. You can pass a width manually via the settings for `$(scale_id !== nothing ? scale_id : string(nameof(dodge_aes))[4:end])` in the `scales()` function.")
error("Tried to compute dodging offsets but the `width` attribute of the dodging scale was `nothing`. This happens if only plots participate in the dodge that do not have an inherent width. For example, a scatter plot has no width but a barplot does. You can pass a width manually like `draw(..., scales($(scale_setting_name(scale_id, dodge_aes)) = (; width = 0.6))`.")
# scale to 0-1, center around 0, shrink to width (like centers of bins that added together result in width)
offsets = ((indices .- 1) ./ (n - 1) .- 0.5) .* width * (n-1) / n
return data .+ offsets

function set_dodge_width_default!(categoricalscales, processedlayers)
for dodgetype in (AesDodgeX, AesDodgeY)
haskey(categoricalscales, dodgetype) || continue
scales = categoricalscales[dodgetype]
for (scale_id, scale) in pairs(scales)
props = scale.props.aesprops
props.width === nothing || continue
n_dodge = length(datavalues(scale))
width::Union{Float64,Nothing} = nothing
for p in processedlayers
_width = determine_dodge_width(p, dodgetype, n_dodge)
if width === nothing
width = _width
elseif _width !== nothing
width == _width || error("Determined at least two different auto-widths for the `$(scale_setting_name(scale_id, dodgetype))` scale, $width and $_width. AlgebraOfGraphics tried to determine dodge with because you specified that a width-less plot type such as Scatter or Errorbars should be dodged. Some plot types like Barplot may have an inherent width for dodging which can often be auto-determined, so AlgebraOfGraphics looked for such widths in all other plot types in this plot. Because multiple such widths were detected, AlgebraOfGraphics gives up and you have to specify the dodge width for your width-less plots manually, like `draw(..., scales($(scale_setting_name(scale_id, dodgetype)) = (; width = 0.5))`")
if width !== nothing
scales[scale_id] = update_width(scale, width)

function update_width(scale::CategoricalScale, width)
return Accessors.@set scale.props.aesprops.width = width

function determine_dodge_width(p::ProcessedLayer, dodgetype, n_dodge)::Union{Float64,Nothing}
aes_mapping = aesthetic_mapping(p)
for key in keys(p.primary)
aes = hardcoded_or_mapped_aes(p, key, aes_mapping)
# check that processedlayer participates in this dodge
aes == dodgetype || continue
return determine_dodge_width(p.plottype, p, aes_mapping, dodgetype, n_dodge)
return nothing

determine_dodge_width(anyplot, p::ProcessedLayer, aes_mapping, dodgetype, n_dodge) = nothing

attribute_or_plot_default(plottype, attributes, key) = get(attributes, key) do
to_value(Makie.default_theme(nothing, plottype)[key])

function determine_dodge_width(T::Type{BarPlot}, p::ProcessedLayer, aes_mapping, dodgetype, n_dodge)
width = attribute_or_plot_default(T, p.attributes, :width)
gap = attribute_or_plot_default(T, p.attributes, :gap)
dodge_gap = attribute_or_plot_default(T, p.attributes, :dodge_gap)
gap_scaler = dodge_gap / (n_dodge - 1) * 1.5 # why 1.5?
if width === Makie.automatic
corresponding_aes(::Type{AesDodgeX}) = AesX
corresponding_aes(::Type{AesDodgeY}) = AesY
if length(p.positional) == 1 # Makie goes 1:n automatically if only one arg is given
return (1.0 - gap + gap_scaler)
for key in eachindex(p.positional)
if aes_mapping[key] === corresponding_aes(dodgetype)
return resolution(p.positional[key]) * (1 - gap + gap_scaler)
elseif width isa Real
return width * (1 - gap + gap_scaler)

function resolution(vec_of_vecs)::Float64
iscategoricalcontainer(vec_of_vecs) && return 1.0
s = unique(sort(reduce(vcat, vec_of_vecs)))
return minimum((b - a for (a, b) in @views zip((s[begin:end-1]), s[begin+1:end])))
45 changes: 44 additions & 1 deletion test/reference_tests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -900,5 +900,48 @@ reftest("title subtitle footnotes fontsize inherit") do
axis = (; width = 100, height = 100)

reftest("dodge barplot with errorbars") do
f = Figure()
df = (
x = [1, 1, 2, 2],
y = [1, 2, 5, 6],
err = [0.5, 0.4, 0.7, 0.6],
group = ["A", "B", "A", "C"],

function spec(; kwargs...)
xdir = get(kwargs, :direction, :y) == :x
dodge_map = xdir ? mapping(dodge_y = :group) : mapping(dodge_x = :group)
return data(df) * (
mapping(:x, :y, dodge = :group, color = :group) * visual(BarPlot; kwargs...) +
mapping(xdir ? :y : :x, xdir ? :x : :y, :err) * dodge_map * visual(Errorbars; direction = xdir ? :x : :y)

draw!(f[1, 1], spec())
draw!(f[1, 2], spec(; width = 0.7, dodge_gap = 0.2))
draw!(f[2, 1], spec(; direction = :x))
draw!(f[2, 2], spec(; direction = :x, width = 0.7, gap = 0.3, dodge_gap = 0.2))

reftest("dodge scatter with rangebars") do
df = (
x = repeat(1:10, inner = 2),
y = cos.(range(0, 2pi, length = 20)),
ylow = cos.(range(0, 2pi, length = 20)) .- 0.2,
yhigh = cos.(range(0, 2pi, length = 20)) .+ 0.3,
dodge = repeat(["A", "B"], 10)

f = Figure()
spec1 = data(df) * (mapping(:x, :y, dodge_x = :dodge, color = :dodge) * visual(Scatter) + mapping(:x, :ylow, :yhigh, dodge_x = :dodge, color = :dodge) * visual(Rangebars))
spec2 = data(df) * (mapping(:y, :x, dodge_y = :dodge, color = :dodge) * visual(Scatter) + mapping(:x, :ylow, :yhigh, dodge_y = :dodge, color = :dodge) * visual(Rangebars, direction = :x))
draw!(f[1, 1], spec1, scales(DodgeX = (; width = 0.5)))
draw!(f[1, 2], spec2, scales(DodgeY = (; width = 0.5)))
draw!(f[2, 1], spec1, scales(DodgeX = (; width = 1.0)))
draw!(f[2, 2], spec2, scales(DodgeY = (; width = 1.0)))
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