Complete blog application from scratch using PHP and MySQL database.
A user registration system that manages two types of users: Admin and Normal users.
The CMS have an admin area and a public area separate from each other
The admin area will be accessible only to logged in admin users and the public area to the normal users and the general public.
In the admin section, two types of admins exist:
- Admin :
- Can create, view, update, publish/unpublish and delete ANY post.
- Can also create, view, update and delete topics.
- An Admin user (and only an Admin user) can create another admin user or Author
- Can view, update and delete other admin users
- Author :
- Can create, view, update and delete only posts created by themselves
- They cannot publish a post. All publishing of posts is done by the Admin user.
- Admin :
Only published posts are displayed in the public area for viewing
Each post is created under a particular topic
A many-to-many relationship exists between posts and topics.
The public page lists posts each post displayed with a featured image, author, and date of creation.
The user can browse through all posts listings under a particular topic by clicking on the topic
When a user clicks on a post, they can view the full post and comment at the bottom on the posts
Basic understanding of PHP language and MySQL database management system.
- Clone the repository on your server directory ( htdocs or www ) :
git clone
To view this in your browser, go to
You can import the database from cms.sql file ( which is included in this repository ) using phpMyAdmin.
That's all. ๐
๐ You loved it right ?
- Also you can open this folder in a text editor of your choice, for example, Visual Studio Code.
- XAMPP - PHP development environment.
- phpMyAdmin - Administration tool for MySQL.
- Visual Studio Code - Source-Code Editor.
- PhpStorm - The Lightning-Smart PHP IDE.
- PHP - General-purpose scripting language.
- MySQL - Open-source relational database management system.
- Git - Software for tracking changes.
- Sumesh Majhi - Portfolio Site - MajhiRockzZ
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Edwin Diaz - The Instructor that cares! ๐