Program 1: Imagine an airport check-in queue of size N, where a new passenger is Enqueued to the check-in queue from rear end and Dequeued through the front end. However, when the queue has number of passengers greater than or equal to 80% of N, then Dequeue operation involves removing passengers from front as well as rear end. In a special case, when a passenger is a VIP, then he/she is enqueued at front end intead of rear. Implement the above data structure and operations.
Program 2: In a Car Service Center, three queues are maintained for 3 different services in the mentioned order: I)from any queue except Engine service, II) Body Service, and III) Clean and Wash. A car that requires all three services will be inserted first to Engineer service queue. When a car is removed from any service queue, the correspond service is provided and checked for other pending services. If a car removed from any queue except last phase, has any other pending service, then it is inserted into the corresponding queue. A car that requires only Body and Clean services, is first inserted to body service queue and the above mentioned procedure is followed. A car looking for only clean and wash service may directly enter the queue of clean and wash.