- Download ROS package
- Camera
2.1. Image transport
2.2. rqt reconfigure
2.3. Wide angle camera - IMU
4.1. Haversine formula
4.2. GPS waypoint following - Lidar
5.1. 3D lidar - RGBD camera
- Image processing with OpenCV
sudo apt install ros-jazzy-topic-tools
sudo apt install ros-jazzy-rviz-imu-plugin sudo apt install ros-jazzy-rviz-satellite
GZ examples: https://github.com/gazebosim/gz-sim/tree/gz-sim8/examples/worlds
relay camera info topic: sudo apt install ros-jazzy-topic-tools
SDF reference: http://sdformat.org/spec?elem=sensor&ver=1.6
ros_gz_bridge message types: https://github.com/gazebosim/ros_gz/tree/ros2/ros_gz_bridge
IMU plugin: sudo apt install ros-jazzy-rviz-imu-plugin
WORLD plugin!!!!
OpenStreetMap https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?lat=47.479099&lon=19.057811
sudo apt install ros-jazzy-rviz-satellite https://github.com/nobleo/rviz_satellite
WORLD plugin!!!!
sudo apt install ros-jazzy-tf-transformations
ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors spawn_robot.launch.py world:=empty.sdf rviz_config:=gps.rviz x:=0.0 y:=0.0 yaw:=0.0
EKF: sudo apt install ros-jazzy-robot-localization
To see who is the publisher: ros2 topic info /odom --verbose
Reload URDF:
david@david-ubuntu24:~$ ros2 param set /robot_state_publisher robot_description "$(xacro $(ros2 pkg prefix bme_gazebo_sensors)/share/bme_gazebo_sensors/urdf/mogi_bot.urdf)" Set parameter successful
sudo apt install ros-jazzy-cv-bridge