node-pgparser - Node.js wrapper for libpg_query C library.
It parses the query and returns the parse tree or error object.
If you use a corporate certificate to internet access please add it to node first:
# linux and macos
export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/path/to/cert
# windows
set NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/path/to/cert
then run the command
npm install node-pgparser
Uses node-pre-gyp to download prebuild binaries from S3 Amazon.
Currently supports Nodejs v16,v18,v20,v22 for Linux, Macos (x64 and arm64) and Windows.
const pgparser = require('node-pgparser');
let tree = pgparser('select 1');
if (tree instanceof Error) {
console.log('Error parsing: ', tree);
} else {
console.dir(tree, {depth: null});
version: 160001,
stmts: [
stmt: {
SelectStmt: {
targetList: [
ResTarget: {
val: { A_Const: { ival: { ival: 1 }, location: 7 } },
location: 7
const pgparser = require('node-pgparser');
let tree = pgparser('DO $$ BEGIN SELECT 1; END$$;', true);
if (tree instanceof Error) {
console.log('Error parsing PL/pgSQL: ', tree);
} else {
console.dir(tree, {depth: null});
PLpgSQL_function: {
datums: [
PLpgSQL_var: {
refname: 'found',
datatype: { PLpgSQL_type: { typname: 'UNKNOWN' } }
action: {
PLpgSQL_stmt_block: {
lineno: 1,
body: [
PLpgSQL_stmt_execsql: {
lineno: 1,
sqlstmt: { PLpgSQL_expr: { query: 'SELECT 1', parseMode: 0 } }
{ PLpgSQL_stmt_return: {} }
PG Major Version | libpg_query | Branch | npm |
16 | 16-latest | pg16 |
node-pgparser@16 |
15 | 15-latest | pg15 |
node-pgparser@15 |
14 | 14-latest | pg14 |
node-pgparser@14 |
13 | 13-latest | pg13 |
node-pgparser@13 |