Yiqin Zhang. Currently focusing on medical imaging and analysis, interested in various deep-learning-based method. My most esteemed project is mgamdata, a collection of the vast majority of my work, which is continually evolving and being updated.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2099-2687 Email: [email protected]
- A Hybrid Model based on Deep Learning and Cross-attention for Short-term Wind Power Prediction
- A novel ultra-short-term wind power prediction method based on XA mechanism
- U-shaped Transformer: Retain High Frequency Context in Time Series Analysis
- Intuitive Axial Augmentation Using Polar-Sine-Based Piecewise Distortion for Medical Slice-Wise Segmentation
- Slice-Wise Knowledge Transfer for Auto Annotation on Serial Medical Imaging Using Optical-Flow-Based Extrapolation
- Interpretable Auto Window Setting for Deep-Learning-Based CT Analysis
- Enhanced optic-flow extrapolation for Doppler radar nowcasting with Dynamic Weight Attention