Section1 Course introduction
Welcome Complete project demo Goal of the course -advance fintech application banking app security and autogeneration from scratch to deployment Tools and requirements Vs code Google chrome browser Github account Python
What is django-dynamic and interactive websites Consist of various components such as 1)database interface 2)url routing system 3)user authentication 4)django models- for structuring database tables 5) django views-for writing logics Views helps us to define the logic behind every webpage 6)django templates for visual representation 7)django urls for connecting accessing views and templates 8)django authentication and security Django has build in security feature to protect our application from common web vulnerabilities Super admin interface Fully functional adminpanel to manage you applications Download all the source code and instruction for future reference
Section 2 Project and workspace setup Virtual environmenet highly recommended while creating projects file will be inside the root of the django project Install new apps in Then configure templates Now configure static and media files in setting and urls .py Now create a new vies template urls and then run the server Now we need to configure inheritance and partials We want to specifically put titles for different pages We can use multiple block content
ADMIN PANEL CUSTOMISATION USING JAZZMIN LIBRARY Configure admin page super user and jazzmin
Custom django admin
Install jazzmin Add jazzmin to installed apps Add jazzmin config code in Create superuser Login to admin section
Section 3 creating custom user models in django To login using email instead of username We need to create a auth user model
When we create a new login model instead of the default one we require to create the super user for that login type again Superuser [email protected] Username-zaid Password-meowcoder123 From the admin we should be able to see all the users that get into our database
Session 4 User Authentication system User registration feature Creating forms and views and mapping urls How to override fields and add placeholders IDS
We DONT want our input to be reflected in our url
Cause that will be a very big security leak to us Method post -grab and and send it to the server Django needs a new token when it whenever its going to create a form will grab all the things that you type in here
Whenever someone sign-up i want them to automatically log in
Now we will configure the template
We already have build it templates for the frontend just use them and them code backend well Close the preloader if you dont want to reload the page every time
Logout Authentication and deleting sessions Login authentication and then We will working on with alerts For signin we are using data from normal rawinput fields in django here
Creating the bank account model To save user money and sensitive information like pin number Make sure to register the every new app created in We need to create a file where user can upload their images
We need to register our models in the app specific file
Creating a bank account using Django Signals Automatically creates a bank account for usrs when they create an account
KYC MODEL USING DJANGO Form for kyc One user should have only one kyc
KYC Forms using Django Forms It is a better pratice to make your code more readability
Creating Kyc Views in Django This will allow uswr to submit their kyc from the frontend Get saved in the database and we can able to view it in our admin section On the admin verify the account and make it active
It is a good practice to keep the app specific templates in a separate folder
Ctrl+shift +p for doing auto django for static files Kyc-regform.html page extends from dashboard-base.html page To look kyc form much better Populate fields in html tags one by one
Message Alerts using Django Messages Configuring the DashBoard
When we are logged in we should get rid of the login button from the webpage Bank account dashboard Using django views and urls
Displaying user account information on the account dashboard page To grab and display currently logged in user details we will fetch them from userauths Note that we have linked the image to the user kyc till now //and not directly to the account model of the user
Our logic is that if a user is not logged in he should have access to account page Redirect them to some other while doing so
Set up logic for your website and then code accordingly for it Whenever we log in it should redirect them to the accounts page
Section 10 Transfer payment Mian banking logic First we will be searching user based on account number or account id
To load the profile picture in other page we need to import the same views that we rendered on the accounts page Now when we search we need to fetch users on this page
We should also give users the ability to search other users by their email address
Now we will allow user to enter amount to be paid then perform basic processing using Django Processing amount to be paid from backend and frontend using JS
We need to send the account number to which we want to send money to as a parameter in url And then decode it from redirectintg url
You need to handle account does not exist on the search account page in a professional manner Instead of user getting an error on the webpage We need to configure the choose buttom on the search account page
For backend payment transfer logic we will be using javascript
Section 11 Creating a Transaction Model Creating transaction model to keep track of transfer payments and deposits
Section-12 Transfer Payment Main Banking Logic VERIFY and process payment to be sent to the backend
User should be able to put a description of every transaction that he might be making
We can also set some fees for every transaction that our webapp is doing
Final process of transfer
Authenticate transfer process using pin number
Users should enter their pin number for unique transaction
Transfer successful page and details of the complete transaction
SECTION13 Payment transaction history
Listing payment transaction history-stored in the database model
In our system there are different type of transactions Transaction Detail To display more information about a transaction
Section -14 payment request logic using Django Search users tgo request money from Using account number or email
Get And checking the amount the user want to request
Processing the amount to be requested by the user
Payment request confirmation Page
Process the request and Display the confirm success page Process and confirm payment request and redirect to success page
Section 15 setting received paymentr requests 1)settle users payment request using django-accept and pay request
We want to separate the transactions on different tabs
In our system we should be able to delete a payment request that we made till now
2)Confirm settlement request made by users Confirming the settlement request made by the users
- Confirming the Payment request and release money to user’s bank account Release requested amount to user account and re calculate account balance
Logic is that the once settled payment request should be settled again
4)Delete payment request by users In case the user in not interested in the payment request any longer
WSGIR REQUEST simply a web development error
Section 16 Credit card feature using django
Creating credit card model to store user credit card in Database Adding the Credit Card Form to the frontend using Django List View list all credit card from database to frontend We will be showing user’s credit card in its dashboard Credit card detail page to display all the details and history of a card Fund Cash to Credit Card from account balance Withdraw cash from credit card Delete credit card from user account system and Database
SECTION 17 hosting and deployment 1)hosting website on railways Deploy app top railway -manage static and server files So far we have runned our application on our localhost that is our development server Start pushing our application on live server Live server applications
We need requirements.txt We need runtime.txt We wont be using django sqlite on our live server
Working and using Env files
2)LIVE DATABASE SETUP Database Hosting using Postgresql On railway Databases Provisioning a Database for our live website
- Modify live server database Add delete update field and logic to live database Here we will modify and make changes to live website that is already hosted online Make sure that whatever new fields you are creating inj your model you are already making null =True to that
4)Hosting Static and Media Files on Live ON AWS S3 bucket The next time you are trying to make your git repository and railway updates the sites that all the images are going to be deleted How to push our files to AWS Before using aws download boto3 and django-storages