A Hello-world spring-boot based application for a Jenkins CI workshop.
- Docker version 1.13.0 or higher
- JDK 1.8
docker build -t lyashenkogs/spring-boot-jenkins-workshop:0.0.3 . docker run -p 8081:8080 lyashenkogs/spring-boot-jenkins-workshop:0.0.3
Application will be available on localhost:8081
- Create a new freestyle job
add github URL
select checkbox Build when a change is pushed to GitHub
add a build step -> execute shell ->
docker build -t lyashenkogs/spring-boot-jenkins-demo:0.0.3 .
add a build step -> execute shell ->
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
add a build step -> execute shell ->
docker run -d -p 8081:8080 lyashenkogs/spring-boot-jenkins-demo:0.0.3
Setup a webhook from github github page -> settings -> Integration & services -> add service -> Jenkins(GitHub plugin) http:///web-hook/
click test a service and check if it triggered the jenkins job Application should be available on http://:8080
Simple Gatling script emulating 30_000 users load to localhost:8080 script