This is a plugins for Unity Editor that will change Transform in Inspector window into new one that includes button for reset on each position, rotation (Quaternion > Euler), and scale. Created by Thanut Panichyotai (@LuviKunG)
Just install and look at your new Transform Inspector!
Locate to your Unity Project. In Packages folder, you will see a file named manifest.json. Open it with your text editor (such as Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code or Legacy Notepad)
Then merge this json format below.
(Do not just copy & paste the whole json! If you are not capable to merge json, please using online JSON merge tools like this)
"dependencies": {
"com.luvikung.customtransforminspector": ""
If you want to install the older version, please take a look at release tag in this git, then change the path after # to the version tag that you want.
In Unity 2019.3 or greater, Package Manager is include the new feature that able to install the package via Git.
Just simply using this git URL and following with version like this example.
Make sure that you're select the latest version.
If you doesn't have this package before, please redirect to this git then follow the instruction in to install the UPM Git Extension to your Unity.
If you already installed. Open the Package Manager UI, you will see the git icon around the bottom left connor, Open it then follow the instruction using this git URL to perform package install.
Make sure that you're select the latest version.