Keras implementation for our IJCAI-17 paper:
- Xifeng Guo, Long Gao, Xinwang Liu, Jianping Yin. Improved Deep Embedded Clustering with Local Structure Preservation. IJCAI 2017.
and re-implementation (not exactly for pre-training part) for paper:
- Junyuan Xie, Ross Girshick, and Ali Farhadi. Unsupervised deep embedding for clustering analysis. ICML 2016.
This code is used for quick start with DEC and IDEC algorithms. The results are not same with that reported in our paper. Use IDEC code to exactly re-implement the experiments.
The initialization step in this code trains the autoencoder in an end-to-end manner, while in paper it trains denoising stacked autoencoders.
Recommend update_interval=20 for reutersidf10k in IDEC
Optimizer=SGD(lr=0.01, momentum=0.99) for usps or reutersidf10k, while in paper Optimizer=SGD(lr=0.1, momentum=0.99)
Results are worse than that reported in paper. For exact reimplementation, use IDEC code.
Table 1. Results of methods implemented by this code and IDEC code, measured by Accuracy (%)
Methods MNIST USPS REUTERSIDF10K pendigits AE+KMeans 82.9 69.0 54.2 68.6 DEC 85.2 75.0 55.0 68.8 IDEC 87.3 76.3 56.3 69.8 AE+KMeans(paper) 81.8 69.3 70.5 None DEC(paper) 86.6 74.1 73.7 None IDEC(paper) 88.1 76.1 75.6 None
The code is compatible with Python 2.7 and Python 3.6.
Install Keras v2.0, scikit-learn and git
sudo pip install keras scikit-learn
sudo apt-get install git
Clone the code to local.
git clone IDEC-toy
Prepare datasets.
cd IDEC-toy/data/usps bash ./ cd ../pendigits bash ./ cd ../reuters bash ./ cd ../..
Run experiment on MNIST.
python mnist
orpython mnist
The pretrained autoencoder weights are saved to "ae_weights.h5" and the IDEC (or DEC) model is saved to "results/idec/IDEC_model_final.h5" (or "results/dec/DEC_model_final.h5"). Then we can run IDEC algorithm or DEC with the trained autoencoder weights:
python mnist --ae_weights ae_weights.h5
python mnist --ae_weights ae_weights.h5
Run experiment on USPS.
python usps
python usps
Run experiment on pendigits.
python pendigits
python pendigits
Run experiment on REUTERSIDF10K.
python reutersidf10k --n_clusters 4
python reutersidf10k --n_clusters 4