Plugin for checking a local Mailcow instance via the Mailcow API using Icinga2 / nagios.
- -d / --domain The domain and optional port to reach the Mailcow instance
- -e / --endpoint The endpoint to check (status/containers, status/solr, status/vmail)
- -k / --key The Mailcow API key
- -s / --ssl Use SSL for the connection to the Mailcow API
- -i / --insecure Don't verify the SSL certificate
- -w / --warning Warning treshold, where applicable. E.g. for vmail storage usage.
- -c / --critical Critical treshold, where applicable
object CheckCommand "mailcow" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [ PluginDir + "/" ]
arguments += {
"-d" = {
description = "Domain name and optional port number for the Mailcow API."
value = "$mailcow_domain$"
"-i" = {
description = "Insecure connection. Don't verify the SSL certificate."
set_if = "$mailcow_insecure$"
"-k" = {
description = "Key for the Mailcow API."
required = true
value = "$mailcow_apikey$"
"-e" = {
description = "The endpoint to be used. Defaults to status/containers."
value = "$mailcow_endpoint$"
"-s" = {
description = "Use SSL for the connection."
set_if = "$mailcow_ssl$"
"-w" = {
description = "Warning treshold"
value = "$mailcow_warning$"
"-c" = {
description = "Critical treshold"
value = "$mailcow_critical$"
template Service "check-mailcow" {
check_command = "check-mailcow"
command_endpoint = host_name
vars.mailcow_insecure = false
vars.mailcow_ssl = false
object Host "" {
import "generic-host"
address = ""
vars.client_endpoint = name
vars.mailcow = {
"containers" = {
mailcow_apikey = "mysecretapikey"
mailcow_domain = "mail.mydomain.tld"
mailcow_endpoint = "status/containers"
"solr" = {
mailcow_apikey = "mysecretapikey"
mailcow_domain = "mail.mydomain.tld"
mailcow_endpoint = "status/solr"
"vmail" = {
mailcow_apikey = "mysecretapikey"
mailcow_domain = "mail.mydomain.tld"
mailcow_endpoint = "status/vmail"
apply Service "mailcow-" for (service => config in host.vars.mailcow) to Host {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "mailcow"
command_endpoint = host.vars.client_endpoint
vars += config
assign where host.address