This configuration is based on the course offered in Udemy by Nicolas Schurmann: Course
This installation is for ArchLinux:
yay -S neovim
yay -S neovim-plug
yay -S vim-plug
The last line is to enable plug package installer for vim in addition to neovim, otherwise configuration file won't be valid for vim
For UtilSnip it is required to have a provider, so to install providers in NVIM you should run:
yay -S python2-neovim
sudo pip install neovim
yarn global add neovim
You should make sure that there is a init.vim file located at ~/.config/nvim/init.vim It is probable that there is not a nvim configuration folder so:
mkdir ~/.config/nvim
And place the following content:
set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath=&runtimepath
source ~/.vimrc
The in ~/.vimrc place the configuration set in this repository. Otherwise you could also setup a symbolic link as follows:
ln -s ./.vimrc ~/.vimrc
You could use also the script file provided here:
In addition to this you should install the plugins provided, so make the following steps:
- Open the configuration file with vim or nvim
- Enter in normal mode the following command :PlugInstall
- Wait util it is installed.
- Close the file and open again to see the changes
Personal plugins are in the home directory of VIM which is in ~/.vim/after
mkdir -p ~/.vim/after
mkdir -p ~/.vim/after/ftplugin
Then copy the corresponding files located in ftplugin allows using the spellcheck for certain files only.
The plugins installed are related to the
The theme Grubvox Gruvbox theme
Easymotion plugin to follow quickly via two searching two letters Easymotion
Use in normal mode via:
<space>s <twoletters>
Nerdtree plugin to navigate into the files directory NerdTree
Use in normal mode via:
Tmux Navigator for VIM plugin to navigate into panels Vim-Tmux
Use the combination of Ctrl+h,j,k,l to move left, down, up and rigth, respectively.
Vim sorround for VIM plugin to add surround characters and tags in normal mode and visual mode: Vim-surround
Use the command S
in visual mode to add a surround character or tag and command cs
It is really useful when adding tags in HTML and changing it.
Is a plugin to add support for SASS language. SCSS-syntax
Add support for LaTeX files and environments. Vim-tex
Q: Does Vimtex work with neovim? A: Yes, but backward sync requires the
utility. It may be installed and used by vimtex as follows:1. Install the `pynvim` and `neovim-remote` modules for python3 (e.g., using `pip3 install --user pynvim neovim-remote`; if `python3 -c "import pynvim"` returns without error and `nvr` starts neovim from the command line, everything should be good to go). 2. Configure your viewer to use `nvr --remote +"%line" "%file"` for backward sync.
See for more information on
According with this help it is required to install neovim-remote and add in
zathura the following configuration at ~/.config/zathura/zathurarc
set synctex true
set synctex-editor-command "nvr --remote-silent %f -c %l"
set sanbox none
Note on sandbox none, it solves when zathura doesn't open the web browser when clicking on it:
Add support for autocompleting capabilities Deoplete
This plugin enables the capabilities of using snippets: UtilSnips
Take into account that utilsnips only allows the capabilities to make some snippets which will be available when you configure it. However, it doesn't provide such snippets so you should add it by your self. In this case, there are some libraries which provides those snippets.
This plugin adds snippets for the most common languages. It includes some snippets for TeX. Vim-Snippets
This plugin enables the capabilities to check syntax and integrates with deoplete for autocompleting. ALE linter
This markup languages are used to write technical documentation. There is an interesting repository about this topic at vim-for-technical-writes.
In this case, we use plasticboy/vim-markdown
and dahu/vim-asciidoc
I have proved both two Youcompleteme and Deoplete for autocompleting commands however I had some trouble with Youcompleteme as it uses also Tab for autocompleting wich is used also for UtilSnips. On the other hand Deoplete is well adapted to Neovim.
For TeX there are some interesting references in which I was based: Writing LaTeX with VIM Snippets for LaTeX
Terminals by default uses Emacs keybindings, however you could edit this
configuration adding the corresponding configuration in the ~/.inputrc
set editing-mode vi
set keymap vi-command