A simple Rust tool to convert CSV files containing route data into GPX format.
This project aims to provide a straightforward way to transform Phyphox CSV files with route information into GPX files.
- Reads CSV files with specific route data columns
- Converts the data into GPX format
- Sorts route points by time
- Writes the result to a GPX file
To use this tool, run it from the command line with two arguments:
cargo run <input_file.csv> <output_file.gpx>
Alternatively, precompiled binaries for most platforms are available.
The tool expects the input CSV to have the following columns:
- Time (s)
- Latitude (°)
- Longitude (°)
- Altitude WGS84 (m)
- Speed (m/s)
- Direction (°)
- Horizontal Accuracy (m)
- Vertical Accuracy (m)
- Satellites
This is a basic tool and may not handle all edge cases or other CSV formats. It's been created for personal use and shared in case others find it helpful.
While this project is primarily for personal use, suggestions and improvements are welcome. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request if you have ideas to enhance its functionality.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.