Pinyin4net helps to convert "中文" to "zhōng wén".
This is a fork for supporting PCL(Portable Class Library) and .NET Core platforms.
using Pinyin4net;
string[] pinyinStr = PinyinHelper.ToHanyuPinyinStringArray(someChineseChar);
- Convert Chinese to Hanyu Pinyin system.
- Support both Simplified Chinese and Tranditional Chinese.
- Multiple options for output format i. All uppercase or lowercase ii. Can out put Unicode ü or v or u: iii. With tone numbers (lü3) or tone marks (lǚ) or without tone (lü)
Most code of pinyin4net is based on the code of project pinyin4j.
Thanks Li Min for the great code ^_^.
Have a bug? Please create an issue here on GitHub!
Yang Kuang([email protected])
Pinyin4net is released under the MIT licence: