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A performant, type-safe .NET library for building tokenizers and parsers.


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A type-safe .NET library for building tokenizers and parsers. You can use Lokad.Parsing both for quick DSL prototypes and to implement robust, production-grade compilers. At Lokad, we have been using Lokad.Parsing to implement Envision, our in-house programming language, from 2015 to 2019 (we have upgraded to an F# parser since then).

You can see Lokad.Parsing in action in open source project Lokad.BrainScript, which parses the CNTK BrainScript language: lexer and parser.

The Lokad.Parsing API is designed to be used from C#, and relies heavily on reflection and annotations. A different API for F# is in the works.

NuGet package: Lokad.Parsing

Lexer features

Tokens are represented by an enum, and the lexer is built from annotations on enumeration members. A very simple example would be:

using Lokad.Parsing.Lexer;

enum Token
    [EndOfStream] EoS,
    [Error] Error,
    [Pattern("0|[1-9][0-9]*")] Number,
    [Any("+")] Add,
    [Any("-")] Sub,
    [Any("*")] Mul,
    [Any("/")] Div

The tokenizer runs through the input string, matching against the patterns associated with each token. If more than one token matches, the longest match is kept. If two tokens are tied for the longest match, the one that appears first in the enumeration is returned.

To specify how each token matches the input text, attributes are used:

  • Pattern (and PatternCi for case-insensitive matching) recognize tokens with regular expressions, using the standard .NET Regex syntax.

        [Pattern("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*")] Identifier,
  • Any (and AnyCi for case-insensitive matching) recognize tokens using a finite list of strings:

        [Any("if", "then", "else")] Keyword,
  • Ci is a special case of AnyCi which uses the enumeration member's name as the string to recognize. The two following lines are equivalent:

        [AnyCi("if")] If,
        [Ci] If,

You should also define two mandatory special tokens:

  • The end-of-stream special token [EndOfStream] is a zero-length token emitted at the very end of the input text. It is always the last token.

  • The error token [Error] is a single-character token emitted when no other token matches the next character. It is not a special token, merely a "default" case.

White-space ([ \n\t\r]+) is ignored by the tokenizer before and after tokens, but may still be recognized as part of tokens.

Advanced feature : child tokens

For performance or clarity reasons, it is a bad idea to allow ambiguous token pairs that can match the same prefix. For example, a naĂŻve "identifier" token likely matches every single keyword in a language. While the tokenizer will resolve this ambiguity deterministically, the resolution will often be the opposite of what the lexer author intended.

Lokad.Parsing solves this by allowing sub-tokens, or "child" tokens. These are not matched against the input text, but against the prefix recognized by their parent (and instead of a prefix match, they expect a complete match).

You can mark a token as the child of another by applying the From attribute. For example:

    [PatternCi("[a-z][a-z0-9]*")] Identifier,
    // Keywords
    [From((int)Identifier), Any("if")] If,
    [From((int)Identifier), Any("else")] Else,
    [From((int)Identifier), Any("while")] While,
    [From((int)Identifier), Any("for")] For,

The syntax is a bit clunky, because C# does not let you define an attribute with a constructor argument that can be implicitly converted from the type of Token.Identifier, so the example uses a manual cast instead. In practice, the recommended approach is to re-define a custom attribute for your specific token type:

class FAttribute : FromAttribute
    public FAttribute(Token t, bool isPrivate = false) : base(t, isPrivate) {}

This makes the enumeration code a bit more readable:

    [PatternCi("[a-z][a-z0-9]*")] Identifier,
    // Keywords
    [F(Identifier), Any("if")] If,
    [F(Identifier), Any("else")] Else,
    [F(Identifier), Any("while")] While,
    [F(Identifier), Any("for")] For,

Against the input "if(A)", the tokenizer would not attempt to match tokens If, Else, While or For directly. It would attempt Identifier, which would match the initial prefix "if", and only then it would attempt to match its child tokens, among which If would be an exact match. Therefore, the recognized token would be If instead of Identifier.

The From attribute takes an additional parameter isPrivate (which is false by default). It has no effect on the tokenization process, but it does change a few things for the parsing step, which will be detailed below.

Advanced feature : comments

It is possible to define a "comment" regular expression in the [Tokens] attribute applied to the enum:

// Comments are C# style '//' until end-of-line or '/*' until '*/'.
[Tokens(Comments = "//[^\n]*|/\*.*?\*/")]
enum Tokens

Comments are treated as white-space and do not emit any tokens. You can even use the Comments regular expression to specify non-comment white-space characters, we just named it Comments because that made its purpose easier to understand.

Advanced feature : significant white-space

Some languages give special meaning to line endings and indentation. The Lokad.Parsing tokenizer provides support for such languages by emitting dedicated end-of-line, indent and dedent special tokens, marked with the following attributes:

[EndOfLine] EoL,
[Indent] Indent,
[Dedent] Dedent

You can choose to specify none of these, only an EndOfLine attribute, or all three.

An end-of-line is generated at the end of a syntax line, which is not the case for all new-line characters. The exact rules are:

  1. A \n that is matched by a non-special token (such as a multi-line string literal) or a multi-line comment will never emit an end-of-line.
  2. The first \n (not eliminated by rule 1) after a non-special token will emit an EndOfLine token.
  3. If the input text does not end with a \n, the tokenizer will pretend that it does.

The tokenizer keeps an indentation stack. When it recognizes a non-special token after an EndOfLine, it measures the distance between that token and the \n immediately before it. A ' ' counts as one, a '\t' counts as two, and comments (if one were to place one there, for some reason) count as zero. This distance is compared to the indentation stack:

  1. If the top of the indentation stack is longer than the observed distance, pop from the stack, emit a Dedent token and repeat this step.
  2. If the top of the indentation stack is shorter than the observed distance, push the observed distance onto the stack and emit an Indent token.
  3. If the top of the indentation stack is equal to the observed distance, do nothing.

At the end of the script, between the final EndOfLine and the EndOfStream token, an additional Dedent token will be emitted for each element on the stack.

For example, given the following input:

if cond:
  print "Hello"

The tokens would be:

If     Colon
↓      ↓   
if cond:
   ↑    ↑
   Id   EoL
 Indent String  Dedent
 ↓      ↓       ↓
  print "Hello"
  ↑            ↑ ↑      
  Id         EoL EoS 

The tokenizer also provides two features that let users of the tokenized language temporarily disable significant white-space.

Escaping newlines

You can prevent a \n from generating an EndOfLine token by placing a backslash character \ before it. This feature can be enabled by setting the appropriate flag in the Tokens attribute:

[Tokens(EscapeNewlines = true)]
enum Token

Any white-space or comments between the backslash and its corresponding \n are ignored. If the backslash is not followed by a \n, it will emit an error token instead.

Since the escaped \n does not generate an EndOfLine token, it also has no effect on the indentation stack and causes no Indent or Dedent tokens to be emitted.

Non-prefix and non-postfix tokens

It is possible to mark some tokens as "never appears at the end of a line" (non-postfix) or "never appears at the beginning of a line" (non-prefix). If a token pair EndOfLine, Indent appears immediately after a non-postfix token or immediately before a non-prefix token, then that token pair is removed, along with the top of the indentation stack.

For example, if operator * is marked as non-postfix, then the following script:

totalDistanceTraveled = durationOfTravel *

... would be tokenized as Id Equ Id Mul Id EndOfLine EndOfStream, without of the EndOfLine, Indent and Dedent caused by the line break after the * sign.

To mark tokens as non-postfix or non-prefix, use the Infix attribute:

    [Any("*"), Infix] Mul,

Parser features

Lokad.Parsing supports SLR grammars, defined as a set of rules that use tokens (from the lexing phase) as their non-terminals.

A parser is a class P that extends abstract class GrammarParser<TSelf, TTok, TResult>. The meaning of the type parameters is:

  • TSelf is always the parser class P, this type parameter is used to extract the rules of the grammar, through reflection, from the parser class.
  • TTok is a token enum defined as explained in the lexer section above. The library will automatically extract the token definitions, through reflection (there's a trend, here).
  • TResult is the type of value returned by the start rule of the parser.

Rules are public instance methods of class P annotated with the [Rule] attribute. The name of the rules is only used for debugging, and has no consequence on the parser itself. Instead, the non-terminals are the types themselves. The components (terminals and non-terminals) derived by the rule are the function arguments.

Due to a limitation on generic attributes in C#, we recommend that you first define the following attributes for your token enumeration Token. They will make the grammar definition more readable.

class TAttribute : TerminalAttribute
{ TAttribute(params Token[] read) : base(read.Select(t => (int)t)) {} }

class OAttribute : TerminalAttribute
{ OAttribute(params Token[] read) : base(read.Select(t => (int)t), true) {} }

class LAttribute : ListAttribute
    LAttribute(int maxRank = -1) : base(maxRank) { }
    Token Sep { set => Separator = (int)value; }
    Token End { set => Terminator = (int)value; }

A simple example

A parser library documentation would not be complete without implementing a parser for arithmetic expressions. Admit it, you saw it coming when you first saw the example tokens above. These were: Number, Add, Sub, Mul and Div. Let us add Open for '(' and Close for ')' as well.

The EBNF representation of the grammar in this example is:

expr ::= term
       | expr Add term 
       | expr Sub term

term ::= atom
       | term Mul atom
       | term Div atom
atom ::= Number
       | Open expr Close

For each non-terminal in this grammar, we define a type. To keep the example short, instead of building an Abstract Syntax Tree, we will simply evaluate the expression, so the type of each non-terminal represents its value.

struct Expr { double Value; }
struct Term { double Value; }
struct Atom { double Value; }

All of these are value types to avoid any memory allocation. Lokad.Parsing is designed to avoid all memory allocations (beyond keeping one internal Stack<T> for each non-terminal type) and will not require any boxing.

The above grammar then translates to:

using Tk = Token;

class Parser : GrammarParser<Parser, Token, Expr>
    [Rule] // expr ::= term
    public Expr OfTerm([NT] Term t) => new Expr { Value = t.Value };
    [Rule] // expr ::= expr (Add | Sub) term
    public Expr Op(
        [NT]               Expr left,
        [T(Tk.Add,Tk.Sub)] Tk op,
        [NT]               Term right)
        new Expr { Value = op == Tk.Add 
            ? left.Value + right.Value 
            : left.Value - right.Value };
    [Rule] // term ::= atom
    public Term OfAtom([NT] Atom a) => new Term { Value = a.Value };
    [Rule] // term ::= term (Mul | Div) atom
    public Term Op( 
        [NT]               Term left,
        [T(Tk.Mul,Tk.Div)] Tk op,
        [NT]               Atom right)
        new Term { Value = op == Tk.Mul 
            ? left.Value * right.Value
            : left.Value / right.Value };
    [Rule] // atom ::= Number
    public Atom Number([T(Tk.Number)] string num) => 
        new Atom { Value = int.Parse(num) };
    [Rule] // atom ::= Open expr Close
    public Atom Parens(
        [T(Tk.Open)]  Tk a,
        [NT]          Expr e,
        [T(Tk.Close)] Tk b)
        new Atom { Value = e.Value };

Attribute T marks an argument as a terminal, and the value of the terminal will be passed as the argument when the function is called. The argument type can be:

  • Token, in which case the enumeration value is passed
  • string, in which case the substring matched by the token will be extracted from the original text and passed as argument
  • Pos<string>, which wraps the substring in a Pos<> object that also carries the exact location of the token in the original text (useful for error reporting).

The constructor of attribute T accepts one or more tokens which are to be recognized by that terminal.

Attribute NT marks an argument as a non-terminal, and the value returned by the parsing of that non-terminal will be passed as the argument when the function is called. Since non-terminals are types, the type of the argument determines the corresponding non-terminal.

The token namer

A missing link in the previous example is the protected constructor of abstract base class GrammarParser, which expects an ITokenNamer<Token>. This interface is used internally by the parser to generate a ParseException when a parsing error occurs.

What is a parsing error ? Remember that the parser is an SLR automaton, meaning that it has a current state and moves to another state based on each token it reads. A state may not be able to handle certain tokens at all (for instance, the example grammar does not support 1 + + 2 because a + cannot be accepted immediately after another +) or may only be able to handle them if the internal stack of the automaton has the right contents (a ) can be accepted after a number, but only if there is a matching ( on the stack). When an unacceptable token is encountered, a parsing error occurs.

To make the error message more helpful, the parser collects all tokens that could have been accepted in the current state, and the message will look like this:

Syntax error, found '+' but expected number, identifier or ')'.

The token namer is responsible for turning the dry enumeration members Add, Number, Identifier and Close into the human-readable names '+', number, identifier and ')'.

See ITokenNamer.cs for more information.

Advanced feature : optional terminals and non-terminals

Attribute O marks a terminal as optional, and attribute NTO marks a non-terminal as optional. These help keep rules shorter. Consider the
syntax for a method parameter in C#:

    : attributes? parameter_modifier? type identifier default_argument?

It is trivial to manually define a attributes_opt non-terminal that can be either empty or an attributes, and so on for the other optional components, but it is fastidious and should be automated instead. Using Lokad.Parsing optional values, the above rule would likely be implemented as:

FixedParameter FixedParam(
    [NTO]                      Attributes? attrs,
    [O(Tk.Ref,Tk.Out,Tk.This)] Tk? paramModifier,
    [NT]                       Type type,
    [T(Tk.Id)]                 string identifier,
    [NTO]                      DefaultArgument? dflt)

If an optional argument is not provided, the value of that argument will be the default for that type. For his reason, type T? is considered as being the same non-terminal as type T.

Advanced feature : lists of non-terminals

Attribute L marks an argument as being a list of non-terminals. The argument must be of type T[], where type T determines the repeated non-terminal.

For example, the fixed_parameter rule from the previous section could be rewritten to work without an Attributes non-terminal, which is just a list of Attribute values:

FixedParameter FixedParam(
    [L]                        Attribute[] attrs,
    [O(Tk.Ref,Tk.Out,Tk.This)] Tk? paramModifier,
    [NT]                       Type type,
    [T(Tk.Id)]                 string identifier,
    [NTO]                      DefaultArgument? dflt)

The L attribute contains helpful fields for customizing the list further:

  • L(Min=2) indicates that the list must contain at least two elements. Note that there is no way to specify the maximum number of elements, and that setting a high minimum will significantly increase the size of the generated SLR automaton (after all, this is just a shorthand syntax for repeating the non-terminal Min times, followed by a L(Min=0), and does not benefit from any special handling by the SLR automaton).
  • L(Sep=Tk.Comma) indicates that the list elements are separated by a specific token. If the list contains N elements, there will be N-1 separator tokens.
  • L(End=Tk.Semicolon) indicates that each list element is followed by a specific token, called terminator. If the list contains N elements, there will be N terminators.

The list is one of the rare cases of memory allocation in Lokad.Parsing (the other is terminals of type string or Pos<string>).

Advanced feature : public child tokens

Consider the keyword async in C#. It is contextual, meaning that in some contexts it will be treated as a keyword, and in other contexts it will be treated as an identifier ; you can write bool async = true; and this exact line probably appears in many projects written before the keyword was introduced. The same is also true for a lot of the LINQ keywords: from, where, etc.

To the lexer, Token.Async is different from the generic Token.Id identifier, because there are rules (such as method declarations) that need to treat async separately from normal identifiers. But for many rules, "identifier" covers Token.Id, Token.Async, Token.From, and all the others, and it can quickly become fastidious to write [T(Tk.Id, Tk.Async, Tk.From, ...)] every single time.

Remember the children token definition (using From) discussed in the lexer section above. It was possible to make a child public or private, which had no impact whatsoever on the lexer. The consequences happen in the parser, instead.

  • A private child token is considered an entirely independent entity from its parent token (the parser does not have any knowledge of the parent-child relationship).

  • A public child token will match any terminal that matches its parent.

With public child tokens, the parser will take care of the time-consuming addition of tokens to terminals. If Tk.Async is a public child of Tk.Id, then every [T(Tk.Id)] will be rewritten to include Tk.Async as well.

Advanced feature : rule ranks

Dealing with infix operator precedence is a major source of pain in EBNF grammars.

One solution is to treat a sequence of infix operators as a soup of expressions separated by operations, and use a separate algorithm for turning that soup into a tree that respects precedence and associativity. See this parser for an example of this approach.

Another solution can be seen in the tiny example above: we created three non-terminals expr, term and atom, and we likely would have had to create more if there had been additional precedence levels (C# has around 14).

To avoid creating so many non-terminals (which in Lokad.Parsing means creating one type for each non-terminal), it is possible to attach a rank to each rule, and to use that to filter the rules which can be matched by each non-terminal.

If you tune your grammar correctly, ranks should represent complexity in the "turn a soup of expressions into a tree that respects precedence and associativity" sense. Very simple rules, like atom, have low ranks, while complex rules, like expr, have high ranks. A rule should only reference rules of lower ranks, except:

  • for associativity purposes, rules of equal rank
  • when properly parenthesized, rules of any rank

Let's revisit the simple example with ranks. This time, we define no struct at all and instead use double as the non-terminal type.

using Tk = Token;

class Parser : GrammarParser<Parser, Token, double>
    [Rule(Rank=2)] // expr ::= (expr|term|atom) (Add | Sub) (term|atom)
    public double Op(
        [NT(2)]            double left,
        [T(Tk.Add,Tk.Sub)] Tk op,
        [NT(1)]            double right)
        op == Tk.Add ? left + right : left - right;
    [Rule(Rank=1)] // term ::= (term|atom) (Mul | Div) atom
    public Term Op( 
        [NT(1)]            double left,
        [T(Tk.Mul,Tk.Div)] Tk op,
        [NT(0)]            double right)
        op == Tk.Mul ? left * right : left / right;
    [Rule] // atom ::= Number
    public Atom Number([T(Tk.Number)] string num) => double.Parse(num);
    [Rule] // atom ::= Open (expr|term|atom) Close
    public Atom Parens(
        [T(Tk.Open)]  Tk a,
        [NT]          double e,
        [T(Tk.Close)] Tk b) => e;

The code became slightly shorter.

Attribute [Rule(Rank=N)] indicates that the terminal generated by this rule is of rank N. We chose to assign rank 2 to expr, rank 1 to term and rank 0 to atom (by default, [Rule] assigns a rank of 0).

Attribute [NT(N)] indicates that the terminals matched should have rank N or lower. So, [NT(2)] matches (expr|term|atom), [NT(1)] matches (term|atom) and [NT(0)] matches just atom. By default, [NT] matches all terminals regardless of rank.


A performant, type-safe .NET library for building tokenizers and parsers.







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