Android app for LiteID
- Must-have:
- Set up new identity
- Create Etheruem account
- Show instructions to add Gas to account
- Create contracts from that account
- Have visual list of user's documents associated with their identity, such as:
- Name, Address, SSN
- Documents, like Word or PDF
- Images or any other file
- Any text or number
- Add document to app by sharing
- Add document to app by entering text
- When adding document:
- Make internal copy of file
- This is in case the user inadvertently changes the file
- Hash file and add hash to blockchain
- Add file to list of user's documents
- Make internal copy of file
- Share document to other user which can be verified by their LiteID app
- Current concept is to send self-contained file by email
- Set up new identity
- Nice-to-have:
- Add document to app by selecting file
- Export self-contained file of all documents and metadata
- Optional:
- Dropbox/OneDrive sync
- Coinbase integration to automagically obtain Ethereum Gas