Small utility to organize bijections (group both arrows together in a single object)
A bit inspired by twitter/bijection (2013-2023)
Add as a repository
libraryDependencies += "dev.librecybernetics.bijection~scala" %%% "bijection-core" % bijectionVersion,
Add github packages as a repository (needs a personal access token)
libraryDependencies += "dev.librecybernetics" %%% "bijection-core" % bijectionVersion,
Not currently available
val Right(bijection): Either[Bijection.Error, MapBijection[Char, Int]] =
'a' -> 1,
'b' -> 2,
'c' -> 3
): @unchecked
bijection("a") // Some(1)
bijection("d") // None
bijection.reverse(1) // Some("a")
bijection.reverse(4) // None
bijection.flip // MapBijection[Int, Char]
There are two variants: FnBijection (Function Bijection) and PFnBijection (Partial Function Bijection)
val bijection: PFnBijection[Char, Int] = Bijection(
{ case c if ('a' to 'c') contains c => (c - 87).toInt },
{ case i if (1 to 3) contains i => (i + 87).toChar }
CalVer with Patch: YYYY.MM.MICRO
(Year, Month, Patch)
- CPU: x86_64 (ARM and RISC-V might work but LibreCybernetics currently has no hardware to support development)
- OS: Linux (Neither Windows nor MacOS are supported)
- JDK: Latest 2 supported LTS releases and latest version. (Currently: 17, 21)
- Scala: 3.y LTS releases and latest version /w latest scala-native and scala.js (Currently: 3.3.1)