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Button Joystick Mapping

Kira Noël edited this page Feb 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

##Driver Controller: ####Axes:

  • LEFT_Y_AXIS: DriveWithJoystick (forward and backwards)
  • LEFT_X_AXIS: Nothing
  • RIGHT_Y_AXIS: Nothing
  • RIGHT_X_AXIS: DriveWithJoystick (left and right)
  • RIGHT_TRIGGER_AXIS: While held, the shooter aims and shoots


  • a button: Activates/deactivated autonomous gear placement (toggle)
  • b button: Nothing
  • x button: Nothing
  • y button: Nothing
  • start button: Start/Stop climb (toggle)
  • select button: Nothing
  • left bumper button: increase speed (forward and backwards)
  • right bumper button: increase speed (left and right)

##Recovery Controller: ####Axes:

  • LEFT_Y_AXIS: Adjust shooter flap vertically
  • LEFT_X_AXIS: Nothing
  • RIGHT_Y_AXIS: Nothing
  • RIGHT_X_AXIS: Adjust shooter horizontally
  • RIGHT_TRIGGER_AXIS: Shoot manually


  • a button: enable/disable gear (no reliance on vision)
  • b button: activate/deactivate ball intake system
  • x button: un-jam ball intake system (have it run in reverse for a short period of time before returning to normal)
  • y button: Nothing
  • start button: Nothing
  • select button: Nothing
  • left bumper button: Nothing
  • right bumper button: Nothing
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