Releases: Laim/Snap2HTML-NG
Releases · Laim/Snap2HTML-NG
- Added FileDate, FileDateBasis, FileDateOperator and ExcludeDirectories to UserSettings
- Users can now exclude directories that are empty from file scans (CLI and GUI)
- Users can now do a scan for files based on their created/modified date (CLI and GUI)
- Changed assembly versions
- Rewrote user settings because old one sucked
- Hopefully fixed title overwrite issue (tested and worked)
- CLI now converts args to lowercase (the arg name not the value)
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 3.0...3.1
- Added updater (optional, off by default) which reads from [GUI ONLY]
- Added option for randomized names to CLI
- Added UserSettingsModel for frmMain_BackgroundWorker and Program.cs for CLI so that multiple CLI instances can run without the UserSettings.xml file being overwritten every time
- Added ReleasesModel for Update Checking
- Added Updater.cs for Update Checking
- Created CommandLineModel for argument names and values
- Added Preview if Debug Build, check for updates enabled IF PREVIEW BUILD
- Removed CommandLine.cs from GUI
- Renamed to
- Updated for new update changes etc.
- Updated
- General code cleanup in CommandLine running
- Cleaned up some code in frmMain and integrated into DataBuilder
- Migrated all runner code to Snap2HTML-NG.Shared
- Migrated all Command Line code from frmMain_Shown to Snap2HTML-NG.CLI
- Major overhaul of user settings, Version 2.X and below settings will not work with v3.
- Change Drag and Drop to accept folder and change txtRoot to the dragged directory
Known Bugs
- CLI shows a black pop up briefly when it runs. Fix will be available in version 3.1.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.15...3.0
v3.0.0 Preview 2
Full Changelog: 3.0-p1...3.0-p2
- Migrated all Console code from frmMain_Shown to Snap2HTML-NG.Console
- Removed some legacy user settings data bindings that were causing the GUI to crash
- Created CommandLineModel for argument names and values
- Added help information to Console
- General code cleanup in Console
- Removed UserSettings.xml dependency in DataBuilder
- Added pattern argument to Console
- Added option for randomized names to Console
- Cleaned up some code in frmMain and integrated into DataBuilder
- Added UserSettingsModel (partially implemented) for frmMain_BackgroundWorker and Program.cs for Console so that multiple Console instances can run without the UserSettings.xml file being overwritten every time
- Added ReleasesModel for Update Checking (not implemented)
- Added Updater.cs for Update Checking (not implemented)
Known Issues
- Console help argument has the wrong executable name in it. It currently has Snap2HTML-NG.CommandLine but it should be Snap2HTML-NG.Console
v3.0.0 Preview 1
- Renamed Namespace to Snap2HTMLNG
- Migrated classes to Snap2HTMLNG.Shared
- Obsoluted old Utils.cs, moved to Snap2HTMLNG.Shared.Legacy
- Migrated models to Snap2HTMLNG.Shared.Models
- Deprecated old UserSettings, moved to new Xml User Settings
- Added Preview to text if debug build
- Change Drag and Drop to accept folder and change txtRoot to the dragged directory, see issue #1
- Split Models.cs out to separate class files
- Created
- Created
- Updated
- Created (legacy versions)
- Updated F1 link in frmMain
- Started adding some temporary comments so I know what is what
- Changed donate button so it specifies who its going to (RL Vision)
- Changed Laim link to Snap2HTML-NG
- Added Search Pattern to allow only certain file types to be returned
- Made Directory textbox Writable
- General Code Cleanup
- Added https into website check in StartProcessing(...)
- Updated Template to include SearchPattern
Full Changelog: