- My main passion is GNU/Linux 🐧, but I also code in Python 🐍 and love DevOps/SRE ♻ stuff.
- I work as an Infrastructure Support Engineer (Sysadmin + Support + DevOps).
- I grew up in China and spent most of my life there. Now I am a digital nomad.
- I have a degree in Metallurgical Engineering from Shanghai University.
- I am a proud parent of the cutest cat in the world named Cinnabon.
- I write about tech on my website: labbrat.net
- I participated in 2023 Google Summer of Code in Gentoo community
- All kinds of things in Python, like bots, APIs, algorithms, SysOps tools (monitoring), web-apps and much more.
- Automation stuff in Linux, like Gentoo Linux updater and scripts to improve workflow.
- Infrastructure services deployment with Ansbile and Terraform, like Wireguard VPN server and rsyslog logger.
- Cheat sheets on a variety of different topics that are also available via a public API.