A simple web page shows the cleaning metrics grouped by accounts.
Each account are able to group its child accounts in tree topology. An account is defined by the schema:
account: {
id: integer, // unique identifier for the account
parent: integer, // the id of the parent account
name: string // the name of the account
For the statistical information are based on the cleaning's operating data
cleaning: {
account: integer, // the id of the account the cleaning belongs to
area: integer, // the area cleaned, in square meters
time: integer // the time the robot spent cleaning, in seconds
This simple web page display the accounts in tree topology way:
- Display the accounts tree with show all expanded by default - collapsed including all its child-accounts
- Show the data for each account (including its child-accounts)
- total area cleaning
- total time
- productivity
npm install
npm start
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system
- David Li - Initial work - LYSingD