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indra v3.1.3

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@zml2008 zml2008 released this 28 Aug 23:33
· 2 commits to main/3.x since this release

This is a small bugfix release that fixes an issue with Crossdoc, and resolves the deprecation warnings we can resolve for Gradle 8.3.

There are still outstanding issues with the sonatype publish plugin that prevent us from being fully deprecation-free in our default configuration unfortunately. There is a workaround though -- the patched version of the io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin has been published as `2.0.0-rc-1. This version can be applied in individual buildscripts for now, and in the future Indra v4 will come with the final release of this fixed plugin version.

🐛 Fixes

  • crossdoc: Include transitive project dependencies in linking as well by @zml2008 in #145
  • resolve Gradle deprecations thru Gradle 8.3

Full Changelog: v3.1.2...v3.1.3