This is the Knowledge Engine for Genomics (KnowEnG), an NIH BD2K Center of Excellence, Network Prepper tool. This tool prepares the data of a user-supplied network for subsequent processing by KnowEnG Analytics Platform.
The original network input file (raw_edgefile_full_path
) is assumed to be a tab separated file with at least three columns where each row contains information about an edge in the network.
The first column is treated as the source nodes of the network, the second column is treated as the target nodes. The third column is required and assumed to have the weights of each edge. The weights are assumed to be non-null and greater than zero.
The Network Prepper tool begins by checking that the above assumptions are met. If not, it will FAIL and return an ERROR.
It then uses the Redis entity database (redis_credential
) of the KnowEnG Knowledge Network to map the source and target node identifiers to stable Ensembl identifiers using the species identifier (taxonid
) and (source_hint
). The tool then checks that a sufficient percentage of entities were successfully mapped (at least network_threshold
of the original nodes and the original edges).
Finally, the tool performs some network cleanup. It makes each edge bi-directional if make_symmetric
and removes any duplicates. If there are fewer clean edges than clean nodes, the tool FAIL and returns an ERROR.
The outputs of the tools are:
- This file is just the original network file with four columns pre-pended:
- source_mapped_id
- source_mapped_alias
- target_mapped_id
- target_mapped_alias Columns will often contain the mapped value, or if not mapped, the reason mapping failed ("unmapped-none" if no match was found, or "unmapped-many" if multiple matches were found).
- This file lists all of the original node names as well as their mapped values:
- original input identifier
- Knowledge Network mapped identifier
- type of entity, 'Gene' or 'Property'
- official symbol or alias
- gene or property description
- gene biotype (e.g. protein coding) Columns will often contain the mapped value, or if not mapped, the reason mapping failed ("unmapped-none" if no match was found, or "unmapped-many" if multiple matches were found).
- This file contains only the cleaned edge list after unmapped edges are dropped, it is made symmetric (if required), and only the largest weighted edge of duplicates is kept. This input is ready for other KnowEnG pipelines.
- This file is in the same format as output B but contains only the nodes that were successfully mapped.
- This yaml file contains information about the prepared network. Its keys include summarizations about the network size, information about the meaning of its edges, and some commands and configurations used in its construction.
git clone
apt-get install -y python3-pip
apt-get install -y libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install scipy==0.19.1
pip3 install scikit-learn==0.19.2
apt-get install -y libfreetype6-dev libxft-dev
pip3 install xmlrunner
pip3 install pyyaml
pip3 install knpackage
pip3 install redis
cd Network_Prepper
mkdir run_directory
cd run_directory
mkdir results_directory
Look for examples of run_parameters in ./Network_Prepper/data/run_files/TEST_0_small_success.yml
set the raw_edgefile_full_path to point to your data
- Update PYTHONPATH environment variable
- Run (these relative paths assume you are in the test directory with setup as described above)
python3 ../src/ -run_directory ./run_dir -run_file TEST_user_job.yml
Key | Value | Comments |
raw_edgefile_full_path | directory+network_data_name | Path and file name of user network |
make_symmetric | boolean | True or False to make network symmetric |
network_threshold | float (0.6) | Proportion of nodes and edges that must map |
results_directory | directory | Directory to save the output files |
redis_credential | host, password and port | Credential to access gene names lookup |
taxonid | 9606 | Taxon id of the genes |
source_hint | ' ' | Hint for lookup Ensembl names |